Blood glucose
The bolus calculation method 1 of the mylife
App is based on the following bolus
calculator setting: Insulin on board (IOB) subtracted from correction bolus and meal
A bolus suggestion consists of three parts:
Correction bolus
Meal bolus
Insulin on board
Correction bolus
How much insulin do you need to correct the current blood glucose value?
The correction bolus is administered to correct the blood glucose (BG) value.
The calculation is based on the BG target value, which is the BG value that the child
needs to reach. It corresponds to a setting of the bolus calculator that was defined
by your child’s physician or diabetes counsellor.
The BG value can either be corrected:
by delivery of insulin if the BG lies above
the BG target value.
by reduction of the meal bolus if the BG
lies below the BG target value.
Bolus calculation
Method 1