For optimized heart-rate tracking while exercising:
· Try wearing Cube higher on your wrist during exercise for
an improved fit and more accurate heart-rate reading. Many
exercises, such as bike riding or weight lifting, cause you to
bend your wrist frequently, which can interfere with the
heart-rate signal if the watch is lower on your wrist.
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· Make sure the watch is in contact with your skin.
· Don't wear your watch too tight, a tight wristband restricts
blood flow, potentially affecting the heart-rate signal. The
watch should be slightly tighter (snug but not constricting)
during exercise.
With high-intensity interval training or other activities where
your wrist is moving vigorously and non-rhythmically, the
movement may limit the sensor's ability to provide a heart-rate
reading. If your watch doesn't show a heart-rate reading, try
relaxing your wrist and staying still briefly.