Johnson Controls Unitary Products
Z J 090 N10 A 2 A AA 7 0 1 2 4 A
Product Category
Z = A/C, Single Pkg., R-410A
Product Generation
7 = Seventh Generation
C00 = Cooling Only. No heat installed
Heat Type and Nominal Heat Capacity
N10 = 100 MBH Output Aluminized Steel
N15 = 150 MBH Output Aluminized Steel
N20 = 200 MBH Output Aluminized Steel
S10 = 100 MBH Output Stainless Steel
S15 = 150 MBH Output Stainless Steel
S20 = 200 MBH Output Stainless Steel
E09 = 9 KW
E18 = 18 KW
E24 = 24 KW
E36 = 36 KW
E54 = 54 KW
Gas Heat Options
Electric Heat Options
078 = 6.5 Ton
Nominal Cooling Capacity
090 = 7.5 Ton
102 = 8.5 Ton
120 = 10.0 Ton
150 = 12.5 Ton
Product Identifier
J = 12.2 + EER A/C
2 = 208/230-3-60
4 = 460-3-60
5 = 575-3-60
Product Style
A = Style A
B = Style B
C = Style C
A = No Options Installed
Installation Options
B = Option 1
C = Option 2
D = Options 1 & 2
E = Option 3
F = Option 4
G = Options 1 & 3
H = Options 1 & 4
J = Options 1, 2 & 3
K = Options 1, 2, & 4
L = Options 1,3 & 4
M = Options 1, 2, 3, & 4
N = Options 2 & 3
P = Options 2 & 4
Q = Options 2, 3, & 4
R = Options 3 & 4
S = Option 5
T = Options 1 & 5
U = Options 1, 3, & 5
V = Options 1, 4, & 5
W = Options 1, 3, 4, & 5
X = Options 3 & 5
Y = Options 4 & 5
Z = Options 3, 4 & 5
1 = Disconnect
2 = Non-Pwr'd Conv. Outlet
3 = Smoke Detector S.A.
4 = Smoke Detector R.A.
5 = Pwr'd Conv. Outlet
AA = None
AB = Phase Monitor
AC = Coil Guard
AD = Dirty Filter Switch
AE = Phase Monitor & Coil Guard
AF = Phase Monitor & Dirty Filter Switch
AG = Coil Guard & Dirty Filter Switch
AH = Phase Monitor, Coil Guard & Dirty Filter Switch
Additional Options
RC = Coil Guard, Shipping Bag & American Flag
TA = Technicoat Condenser Coil
TJ = Technicoat Evaporator Coil
TS = Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils
6.5-12.5 Ton York
Model Number Nomenclature
ZZ = If desired option combination is not listed above, ZZ will be assigned and configuration options will be
located in digits 15-18.
EA = E-Coat Condenser Coil
EJ = E-Coat Evaporator Coil
ES = E-Coat Cond & Evap Coils
A = Std. Motor
D = Std. Motor/Motorized Damper (Downflow Only)
H = Std Motor/Low Leak Econ/Barometric Relief
(Downflow, Economizer Only)
J = Std Motor/Low Leak Econ/Power Exhaust (Downflow,
Economizer Only)
N = Hi Static
R = Hi Static/Motorized Damper (Downflow Only)
V = Hi Static Mtr/Low Leak Econ/Barometric Relief
(Downflow, Economizer Only)
W = Hi Static Mtr/Low Leak Econ/Power Exhaust
(Downflow, Economizer Only)
SS Drain Pan
Configuration Options (not required for all units)
These four digits will not be assigned until a quote is requested, or an order placed.
CPC Controller, DFS, APS
Honeywell Controller, DFS, APS
Novar Controller, DFS, APS
2" Pleated Filters, MERV 7
BAS Ready Economizer (2-10 V.D.C. Actuator without a Controller)
York Commercial Comfort System (YCCS) Rtu Controller
Hot Gas Bypass (Standard on VAV, Optional on CV)
Variable Air Volume, VFD (not available with factory installed BAS options)
Variable Air Volume, VFD and Manual Bypass (BAS ready)
Variable Air Volume, VFD Ready (for customer-provided, field-installed drive)
Variable Air Volume, VFD and Manual Bypass
(not available with factory installed BAS options)
Any Combination of Additional Options that Don’t Have an Option Code Pre-assigned
4" Pleated Filters, MERV 13
IntelliSpeed with VFD
IntelliSpeed, VFD and Manual Bypass
IntelliSpeed, VFD Ready (for customer-provided, field-installed drive)
Simplicity®Smart Equipment w/ BAS Option (BACnet, MS/TP)
FDD (Fault Detecter Diagnostics)