Form 160.00-N6
Issue date: 08/27/2021
Section 1 - Field connection notes
13. The YORK MVVSD input power wiring ampac-
ity is calculated as follows:
Model YK, YD, and YK-EP minimum circuit am-
pacity for each starter:
Ampacity = 1.25X (Compressor Motor FLA)
+ Oil Pump Drive Panel Amps + Control
Power Transformer Amps
• 125% factor is outlined in 2005 NEC (
graph 440-33
FLA is as outlined in product specific infor
mation, for example, the performance report
or sales report that has the job specific condi-
• The oil pump panel and control transform-
panel and control transformer amps value
used, to be adjusted by ratio of (120/[MV-
VSD nameplate voltage]). Oil pump amps
to be included if MVVSD optional oil pump
power supply is included.
14. Medium voltage (2.3 KV to 6.6 KV) motors have
three leads. Motor leads are supplied with a crimp
type connector having a clearance hole for a 3/8 in.
bolt. Motor terminal lugs are not supplied.
15. Starter to motor power wiring ampacity is calcu-
lated as follows:
Minimum circuit ampacity for each conductor
(one of three):
Ampacity = 1.25 x compressor motor amps
• 125% factor is outlined in 2005 NEC (
graph 440-33
Compressor motor amps are FLA. See product-
specific information, for example, the perfor-
mance report or sales report that has the job
specific conditions.
The condenser flow switch is optional. If not pres
ent, a jumper must be installed between TB4-11
and TB4-1.
17. The interrupting capacity of the YORK MVVSD
is 50 KA RMS symmetrical amperes at the name-
plate voltage. The YORK MVVSD is suitable for
use on a circuit capable of delivering not more
than 50 KA RMS symmetrical amperes at the
nameplate voltage.
18. Three-phase oil pump motor must be correctly
phased. L1, L2, and L3 correspond to phase se
quence A, B, and C.
19. Control circuit wiring for 3M condenser wa-
ter pump motor starter is shown for cooling
only application. For units with Flash Miniature
Card Software Version C.MLM.01.00 through
C.MLM.01.03, the condenser water pump must
be wired to Terminal 164 of TB2 instead of Ter-
minal 151. The wire from Terminal 22 of TB5 to
Terminal 150 of TB2 must not be installed.
20. The main power transformer must be adequately
sized such that the transformer voltage drop does
not exceed 10% and 15% during unit start-up. The
supply voltage, at starter input terminals, during
start-up must be maintained above the minimum
value specified in the following table. Note that
while the YORK chiller performs acceptably dur-
ing startup with this amount of voltage drop, the
performance of other equipment connected to the
supply transformer could be adversely affected.
Table 3 -
Minimum voltage during start-up
Minimum voltage at
drive input terminals
during start-up
1,955 V
2,805 V
3,536 V
5,610 V
21. Automatic control of the chilled water pump by the
OptiView Control Center is shown. Chilled wa-
ter pump motor starter (5M) holding coil must be
equipped for 115 V, 50 Hz or 60 Hz. The power re-
quirements for the water pump starter (5M) must be
a maximum of 1 A holding and 8 A inrush. If power
requirements exceed this value, equip the coil for
line voltage, and the control relay with 115 V coil.
The pumps operate during oil pump pre-run, dur-
ing compressor operation, and during cycling
Each 115 VAC field-connected inductive load, that is
relay coil, motor starter coil, and others, must have a
transient suppressor wired by others in parallel with
its coil, physically located at the coil. Spare transient
suppressors are factory supplied in a bag attached to
the keypad cable clamp in the Control Center.
23. Unit dimensions, weights, incoming cable locations,
and exhaust details are provided by YORKworks.