©York Survey Supply Centre 2018
Ref:.. \operat98\instructions 18\37135.qxp 05-01-18
Digital Vernier Caliper
1) Internal Jaws
2) Unit Change Button
3) Scale Lock
4) Digital Display
5) Main Body
6) Stainless Steel Guide
7) Depth Rod
8) Fine Adjustment Wheel
9) Battery Cover
10) Zero Button
11) On/Off Switch
12) External Jaws
Measuring Range:
Metric: 0-150mm
Imperial: 0-6”
Battery Type:
1.55V LR44
Metric: 0.01mm
Imperial: 0.0005”
• To operate the caliper, simply slide Main Body (5) up or down the Stainless Steel Guide
(6). The Jaws (1 & 12) and the Depth Rod (7) will move depending on the direction of
the movement of the Main Body (5).
• The Digital Display (4) turns on automatically when the main body slides along the
Stainless Steel Guide (8). It can also be turned on or off by depressing the On/Off
Switch (11).
• To measure variation between several components, measure one and depress the
Zero Button (10). Measuring others will then highlight any variations by displaying any
figure other than zero.
• Before you take a measurement, clean the faces of the jaws with a soft cloth and press
the Zero Button (10) to zero the unit.
• To switch between metric and imperial, depress the Unit Change Button (2).
• To lock the calipers at a specific measurement, rotate the Scale Lock (3) clockwise. To
unlock, rotate the Scale Lock (3) anti-clockwise.
NOTE: It is the user’s responsibility to obtain calibration certification if required.
• Ensure that the Jaws (1 & 12) are clean from debris; otherwise it may affect the
accuracy of the measurement.
• Keep the stainless steel guide clean from dirt and grease, dirt could damage the main
body and may invalidate the warranty.
Replacing the Battery
1. Slide the Battery Cover (9) away from the Main Body (5).
2. Replace the flat battery ensuring that the new one is facing the correct way.
3. Slide the battery cover back onto the main body.
4. Test the caliper by depressing the On/Off Switch (11).
5. Do not dispose with unsorted waste.