6. Copying the remote control with the complex rolling code
7. Copying duplications
Press and hold 3 button,
while holding, press the button 2
three times.
We check in the manual of the
original remote control how it send
the source code. In most remote
controls it is simultaneous pressing
of 1 and 2 buttons.
After sending the source code,
the blue LED diode will flash.
We press the selected button on the
self-copying remote control, under which
the button of the original remote control
will be copied.
We release both buttons,
the red LED diode flashes
every 2 seconds.
Get closer original remote control and
the self-copying remote control at
a distance of about 5cm.
Press and hold button on the
original remote control untill red
LED diode will lights up.
Press and hold 3 button, while
holding, press the button 2
three times.
We release both buttons,
the red LED diode flashes
every 2 seconds.
Get closer original remote control
and the self-copying remote control
at a distance of about 5cm.
Press and hold the button on the
remote control you want to copy.
The rest of the procedure
depends on the type of code
stored in the source remote
control (fixed, simple rolling ,
complex rolling) and we carry
it out as described above.
When the red LED diode flashes every
2 seconds, please send the source
code of the original SEED CODE.
The blue LED diode will illuminate
continuously for 2 seconds.
Repeat the above procedure
to copy further buttons.
The remote control with the complex
rolling code has been copied.
The remote control with the complex
rolling code has been copied.
5 cm
5 cm
After copying, the remote control
must be programmed to the
receiver. We can do it in 2 ways:
1) We use the device's instructions
when programming the remote
2) We use the procedure of quickly
adding a remote control.
To do this, press and hold the copied button for about
10 seconds, until the blue LED diode flashes, then wait
until the LED diode goes out.