STEP 3: Sync Your YOO®RX
Make Sure your phone has
Bluetooth turned “ON”. (fig. A)
Follow the App instructions to
set up your YOO account and pair
your YOORX.
Once you have completed your
profile on the YOO+ app you will
be prompted to sync your YOORX.
Your YOORX is able to sync
automatically each time you open
the YOO+ app but you can also
sync by tapping the "Sync Device"
option within the left side menu on
the YOO+ app.
Important: The YOORX will
automatically RESET at MIDNIGHT.
At that time, the data in the
PREVIOUS DAY will automatically
be saved. YOORX will store up to
14 days of activity so you can
SYNC the wrist band & app at your