Find an in-wall outlet as controller(Master). Hold the power button for 5-10 seconds,
the light will flash green quickly.
After pairing succeed, the light will stop flashing.
Find another action device as responder(Receiver). Hold the set button for 5-10 seconds,
the device will enter pairing mode.
When the in-wall outlet turns on, the responder will turn on as well. When the in-wall outlet
turns off, the responder will turn off as well.
Find a controller(Master) in-wall outlet. Hold the
power button for 10-15 seconds, the light will flash
irregular green.
The above two devices will unpair by themselves
and the light stops flashing.
After unbundling, When the in-wall outlet turns
on, the responder will no longer turn on. When
the in-wall outlet turns off, the responder will no
longer turn off.
F i n d a
R e c e i v e r
r e s p o n d e r (
) a c t i o n d e v i c e .
H o l d t h e s e t b u t t o n f o r 1 0 - 1 5 s e c o n d s , t h e
d e v i c e w i l l e n t e r u n - p a i r i n g m o d e .
CLASS 2 5VDC Max2.4A