YoLink Control is our unique “device to device” control technology. Under YoLink Control,
the devices can be controlled without internet or Hub. Device which send out command
is called controller(Master). Device which receive command and act accordingly is called
responder(Receiver). Controller and responder list will show you below.
YoLink Control
You will need to set it up physically.
YS6602-UC YoLink Plug
Responder List
YS6604-UC YoLink Plug Mini
YS5705-UC In-wall Switch
YS6704-UC In-wall Outlet
YS6801-UC Smart Power Strip
YS7704-UC Door Sensor
Controller List
YS7705-UC Garage Door Sensor
YS7903-UC Leak Sensor
YS3603-UC YoLink Remote
YS7804-UC Motion Sensor
YS6604-UC YoLink Plug Mini
YS5705-UC In-wall Switch
YS6704-UC In-wall Outlet
YS6801-UC Smart Power Strip
YS6602-UC YoLink Plug