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Read without foil
Never foil to exhaust the air in the farnace (pr-purge) before igniting.
Repeated ignitions may cause explosion due to the gas stagnated in the
furnace. Please install safety devices like a flame supper visor.
Never fail to cut the electricity of transformer when you take off the
ignition plug in order to i check the spark of it.
Never fail to take off the site hole when igniting or firinf the burner.
flame in the furnace may blow out.
Never touch the mounting plate of the burner and fitting parts of the pilot
burner. These area are high temperature when the burner is burning.
1. Do not use the attached gasket for sering this burner.
2. Put the replaced old gaskets pouch and thrae'away therm according to the waste disposal
regulation or the waste cleaning regulation.
Never burn up them.