2. YCA Protocol
IM 249x-COMM
Getting Current Settings and Display
To get the current setting value, or to see what’s on the display, use the format:
DG aa bbbb <CR>
Where ‘aa’ is the address of the unit (01 - 32) and
‘bbbb’ is the code of the function as shown above.
Remember to put a space between each word.
For example, to get the present potential transformer setting from unit 21 send -
The unit will respond with a string of numbers. The format is shown below in
Changing Settings”.
To change a setting send an ASCII string in the format:
DP aa bbbb xxxxxxxxx <CR>
‘aa’ is the address.
‘bbbb’ is the code of the function.
‘xxxxxxxxx’ are the new settings (parameters). The format is described below.
Potential Transformer
DP aa PT xxxxxy/xxx
The part before the slash is the value that you want to make the primary side of
the transformer. This could be in volts (e.g. 960.0) or in terms of the ratio (e.g.
8). It can be up to four (4) digits with or without a decimal point. If you put more
than four digits you will get an error message.
The ‘y’ is where you can put a multiplier that corresponds to the LEDs under the
display. If you put a ‘K’ it multiplies the value by 1,000. An ‘M’ will multiply by
1,000,000. You can omit it if there is no multiplier (i.e. multiplied by 1).
After the slash put the value you desire for the secondary side. This can be
120/240 volts depending on the model, or ‘1’ for a simple ratio. If you enter
anything except a ‘1’ the unit will default to the voltage value (120 or 240).