IM 12A01A02-01E
8th Edition : Oct. 01, 2015-00
Thank you for purchasing the FLXA202/FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer.
Please read the following respective documents before installing and using the FLXA202/
When the FLXA21 with the output of FOUNDATION Fieldbus or PROFIBUS PA Communication
is used, please refer to the User’s Manual, IM 12A01A02-71E or IM 12A01A02-72E, too.
The related documents are as follows.
General Specifications
Document number
FLXA202 2-wire Analyzer
GS 12A01A03-01EN
These are included In attached CD-ROM
FLXA21 2-wire Analyzer
GS 12A01A02-01E
* the “E” or “EN” in the document number is the language code.
User’s Manual
Document number
Start-up Manual
IM 12A01A02-12E
Attached to the product
Safety Precautions
IM 12A01A02-20E
User’s Manual
IM 12A01A02-01E
This manual
This is included In attached CD-ROM
FOUNCATION Fieldbus Communication
IM 12A01A02-71E
These are included In attached CD-ROM
PROFIBUS PA Communication
IM 12A01A02-72E
* the “E” in the document number is the language code.
Please read the General Specifications for Checking the model and suffix code. The General
Specifications includes it.
Notes on Handling User’s Manuals
• Please hand over the user’s manuals to your end users so that they can keep the user’s
manuals on hand for convenient reference.
• Please read the information thoroughly before using the product.
• The purpose of these user’s manuals is not to warrant that the product is well suited to any
particular purpose but rather to describe the functional details of the product.
• No part of the user’s manuals may be transferred or reproduced without prior written
consent from YOKOGAWA.
• YOKOGAWA reserves the right to make improvements in the user’s manuals and product at
any time, without notice or obligation.
• If you have any questions, or you find mistakes or omissions in the user’s manuals, please
contact our sales representative or your local distributor.
Drawing Conventions
Some drawings may be partially emphasized, simplified, or omitted, for the convenience of
Some screen images depicted in the user’s manual may have different display positions or
character types (e.g., the upper / lower case). Also note that some of the images contained in this
user’s manual are display examples.
Media No. IM 12A01A02-01E
8th Edition : Oct. 2015 (YK)
All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2010, Yokogawa Electric Corporation