IM DLM3054-01EN
Safe Operating Area Analysis (SOA)
You can plot the voltage input channel on the X-axis (horizontal axis) and the current input channel on the Y-axis
(vertical axis), evaluate the operating range characteristics of a power device (or other device), and check
whether or not the device operations fall within the safe operating area (SOA) indicated in gray in the figure
Selecting SOA automatically sets the instrument to XY display mode.
Power rating
Rated current
Rated voltage
Probe Setup (ProbeSetup)
The channel selection, probe attenuation, voltage-to-current conversion ratio, and deskew settings are the same
as those for the switching loss analysis feature.
Turning the VT Waveform Display On or Off (VT Display)
The SOA is displayed in the XY window. Use this setting to choose whether or not to display VT waveforms with
the XY waveforms.
OFF: The VT waveform display window does not appear.
ON: The VT waveform display window appears.
Cursor Measurement (Cursor)
You can display two cursors on both the X and Y axes and measure with them simultaneously.
The cursor setting range and measurement range are the same as those described in "Cursor Measurement
(Cursor)" in chapter 8, "Displaying XY Waveforms."
Display Area (T Range1 and T Range2)
Set the start point (T Range1) and the end point (T Range2) of the display and of the measurement time period.
Selectable range: ±5 divisions with the center of the target window taken to be 0 divisions.
17 Power Supply Analysis Feature (Power Analysis and Power Measurement, Option)