IM DL850E-01EN
Overview (Overview)
You can display the following information about the DL850E/DL850EV. The instrument numbers of the DL850E/
DL850EV and each module are also displayed. However, the instrument numbers of the following modules are
not displayed.
701250, 701251, 701255, 701260, 701267, 701261, 701262, 701265, 701270, 701271, 701275, 701280,
720210, 720220, 720230, and 720240
• Model
• Record Length
• Serial No: Instrument number
• Product ID: Unique number assigned to each instrument. This number is necessary for the purchase of
additional options.
• Slot: Models and Instrument numbers of the inserted modules
• Options
• Default Language
• Firm Version: Firmware version number
• FPGA1/2 Version: FPGA1/2 version number
• The 70126, 701280, 720221, 720240, and 720241 modules have internal CPUs and firmware. For slots
that have these modules installed in them, the version number of the firmware installed on the module is
also displayed.
For the 701265
Example: 701265 A.AA
A.AA is the version of the firmware installed on the module.
For the 701280, 720221, 720240, and 720241
Example: 701280 B.BB/C.CC
B.BB is the version of the firmware installed on the module. C.CC is the version of the firmware on the
DL850E/DL850EV that can be installed on the 701280 (FREQ). If the two above versions are the same,
only one version number will be displayed.
• For slots that have the 701260 or 701267 module installed, the module model 701260/701267 is displayed.
You can lock the operation keys to prevent unintentional changes to the current state of the DL850E/DL850EV.
When the keys are locked, pressing any keys other than KEY PROTECT has no effect, and the USB mouse and
keyboard cannot be used.
Press this key to use the CH1 to CH16 keys to enter numbers. After you press NUM LOCK, you can press a
channel key to enter the number, sign, unit prefix, or exponent displayed to the upper right of the key in white, or
to confirm an entry or selection (ENTER).
21 Other Features