IM AQ1200-01EN
File Operation and Printing
16.2 Saving and Loading Data
• When you are using a feature other than the OTDR or fault-locator feature
For details, see the table under the heading “When you are using a feature other than the
OTDR or fault-locator feature” under “Saving.”
Drive to Save To
You can set the destination drive to one of the following options.
Internal memory
The AQ1200 internal memory
USB memory
The USB storage medium connected to the USB Type A port on the AQ1200.
• Do not save files directly to the root directory. Create a folder, and save files to that folder. If there are
many folders in the root directory, it will take some time to save files to a folder that is at a lower level in
the folder hierarchy.
• You can create or save up to 256 files and folders in the root directory.
File Name
File Name Format
You can set the file-name format to one of the following options. For all formats, the maximum
number of characters is 36.
• When you are using the OTDR or fault-locator feature
You can select up to three items to be used for file names. The selected items are used as parts
of the file name in the following order:
ID No.
Four characters
The range is 0 to 9999. Four characters are assigned for the file name. For example, if
you set the number to “1,” “0001” will be used in the file name.
One character (tape number)
If you select to use the ID number for the file name, when Tape Number Type is set to
anything other than Off, the tape number is automatically appended to the ID number.
Example: If you have a combination of ID No. “0” and Tape Number Type “a to c (3),” the
file names will be set as follows: 0000a → 0000b → 0000c → 0001a → 0001b
→ 0001c.
Six characters
Up to 30 characters
Company name
You can select some of the label items. For details, see the table under “Label” later in
this section.
When you select one of the label items, the first 10 characters of the item are used
as part of the file name. Even if the selected item is not 10 characters long, it will be
counted as the 10 characters for the part of the file name.
Cable ID
Fiber ID
Cable code
Start position
End position
Four characters, including the period
• If the whole file name is longer than 36 characters, characters will be deleted from the end of the comment
item so that the file name is 36 characters long.
• The length of the file name includes the characters that are used for the selected separator and the
• You cannot set the first item that makes up the file name to Blank.
• You cannot use the same item that you used for the first part of the file name in the second or third parts
of the file name.
• If you use the same item that you used for the second part of the file name in the first or third part of the
file name, the second part of the file name will be set to Blank. Also, if you use the same item that you
used for the third part of the file name in the first or second part of the file name, the third part of the file
name will be set to Blank.
• When you are using a feature other than the OTDR or fault-locator feature
Select one of the following combinations.
No., Comment, C No., No. + Comment
For details on the number (ID No.) and comment, see the previous table.