IM 765501-01E
16.4.7 Sample 5 (Example of Carrying Out the Storage Function and Reading the
Statistical Values)
Attribute VB_Name = “Sample5”
‘ Sample 5 (Example of Carrying Out the Storage Function and Reading the
‘ Statistical Values)
‘ CALL SampleSequence5().
‘ Wait for the storage operation to complete
‘ Wait for the result of :TRACe:STATus? to become 0
Function WaitStoreComplete(dev As Integer)
While (Val(CommQuery(dev, “:TRAC:STAT?”)))
Sleep (10)
End Function
‘ Sample Sequence 5
‘ Store 100 points and read the statistical result
‘ This sample does not set the source and measurement. Set them appropriately in
‘ advance.
Function SampleSequence5()
Dim dev As Integer
Dim r_min As Double
Dim r_max As Double
Dim r_ave As Double
Dim r_sdv As Double
dev = CommOpen()
‘ Open the device
Call CommSend(dev, “:TRAC:POIN 100”)
‘ Store count 100
Call CommSend(dev, “:TRAC:STAT ON”)
‘ Start the storage operation
Call WaitStoreComplete(dev)
‘ Wait for the storage operation
to complete
r_min = Val(CommQuery(dev, “:TRAC:CALC:MIN?”))‘ Read the minimum value
r_max = Val(CommQuery(dev, “:TRAC:CALC:MAX?”))‘ Read the maximum value
r_ave = Val(CommQuery(dev, “:TRAC:CALC:AVER?”))‘ Read the average value
r_sdv = Val(CommQuery(dev, “:TRAC:CALC:SDEV?”))‘ Read the standard deviation
Call CommClose(dev)
‘ Close the device
End Function
16.4 Sample Programs