YS 1500
11. Flames should be visible on the burn grate within three to four minutes. (The igniter
is active for two minutes. When you hit “start” the auger turns continuously for 45 sec-
onds to prime the burn grate, at 46 seconds the igniter is powered, within two minutes
the heat from the igniter and the combustion air from the fans will have a small smol-
dering fire started.
NOTE: The only way to reactivate the igniter is to turn the cooker off and let it go
through the cool down cycle or simply pull the plug for a hard reset at which point you
can restart the cooker. Before restarting the Yoder remove the grates and heat man-
agement plate and inspect the burn grate for any pellet overflow. Remove all pellets
from the burn grate area and from the pit floor if present.)
12. Once the temperature reaches the set point, open the cooking chamber and care-
fully oil the grates with vegetable oil. You’re ready to cook!
Shutting Down The Smoker
When finished cooking push the power switch to the “off” position. The controller will
begin its automatic shutdown procedure.
• The auger feed system will stop feeding fuel.
• The combustion cooling fan will continue to run until the fire is burned clean.
• The fan will continue to run until the grill temperature reaches 125°F or 18 min-
utes, whichever occurs first.
• When the procedure is complete the fan and power LED will turn off.
• Disconnect the Yoder from its power source. When the grill is completely cool,
cover the grill to protect your investment and keep the pellets dry.