YILKAR YK 80 S Installation Instructions Manual Download Page 4

5. Klimanın Devreye Alınması  ............................................................................... 34
6. Yedek Parça Listesi ............................................................................................ 35

7. Kullanım ve Bakım Önerileri................................................................................


4.6.4 Kontrol Ünitesi Çalıştırma .............................................................. Soğutma Modu ................................................................... Havalandırma Modu ........................................................... Isıtma Modu ........................................................................





6.1. Kondanser Yedek Parçalar  .....................................................................
6.2. Evaporatör Yedek Parçalar .....................................................................
6.3. Diğer Yedek Parçalar ..............................................................................




4.7 Fiber Kapak Montajı ................................................................................. 33

SSH.MT.01.14 - TR
Değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Türkiye'de basılmıştır. © Yılkar Klima, 2023

Summary of Contents for YK 80 S

Page 1: ...TR YILKAR SSH MT 01 14 TR De i iklik yapma hakk sakl d r T rkiye de bas lm t r Y lkar Klima 2023 YK 80 S Montaj Talimat Installation Instruction EN...


Page 3: ...4 1 nite l leri 18 4 4 2 nitenin Konumland r lmas ve Tavan Montaj 18 1 2 1 ECE R 10 3 2 1 YK 80 S Nedir 2 2 Nas l al r 2 3 YK 80 S Teknik Veriler 4 5 1 1 Klima Hortumlar 23 4 6 Elektrik Ba lant lar 2...

Page 4: ...nitesi al t rma 4 6 4 2 So utma Modu 4 6 4 3 Havaland rma Modu 4 6 4 1 Is tma Modu 31 31 31 31 6 1 Kondanser Yedek Par alar 6 2 Evaporat r Yedek Par alar 6 3 Di er Yedek Par alar 35 39 37 4 7 Fiber Ka...

Page 5: ...es Mounting 52 3 1 1 YILKAR Condenser Unit 3 1 2 YILKAR Evaporator Unit 3 1 3 YILKAR Fiber Cover 46 47 48 63 64 64 Contents 1 Warranty and Liability 1 1 2 Security and Legal Regulations 2 Definition a...

Page 6: ...4 6 4 1 Cooling 4 7 Fiber Cover Mounting 5 Commissioning the Air Conditioner 6 Spare Parts 7 Usage and Maintenance Recommendations 6 1 Condenser Spare Parts 6 2 Evaporator Spare Parts 6 3 Other Spare...

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Page 9: ...n g venli kullan m na dair bilgiler i ermektedir Y lkar klima montaj n tam olarak yapman z i in l tfen bu montaj talimat n dikkatlice okuyunuz G venli ve temiz yerde muhafaza edilmesi tavsiye edilir...

Page 10: ...m hangisi nce ger ekle irse garanti kapsam i indedir r n n garanti s reci i inde ar zalanmas durumunda tamirde ge en s re garanti s resine ilave edilir Bu s re r n n yetkili servise teslimi ile birlik...

Page 11: ...ldu unda yap n z Klima nitesi a lmadan nce ak ba lant s kesilniz L tfen kendi g venli iniz i in a a da yer alan kurallara dikkat ediniz 1 2 G venlik ve Yasal D zenlemeler ECE R10 Elektromanyetik uyuml...

Page 12: ...nd rabilir Bu sayede motorunuzun so utulmas daha etkin olurken arac n z s n r YK 80 S sahip oldu u t m zellikleri ile evrensel kompakt ve ekonomiktir 2 1 YK 80 S Nedir 2 2 Nas l al r Ara tavan klimala...

Page 13: ...0 150 gr Evaporat r Fan Debisi 2000 m sa 2 Blower Motor i in Kondanser Fan Debisi 3400 m sa 2 Aksiyel Fan i in Bas n alteri Al ak bas n 2 bar Fan Kontrol 15 bar Y ksek bas n 25 bar l ler Uzunluk x Gen...

Page 14: ...BU 1301 1 ADT 502 11 01301 01 12V 502 11 01301 21 24V 2 KLIMA HORTUM BAGLANTI GROMETI 1 ADT 504 01 YKMON 33 3 KLIMA TAKOZ BAGLANTI KOMPLESI 20 MM 1 SET 504 01 YKMON 01 4 U CIFTLI RAY KULAK 70 CM KOMPL...

Page 15: ...EVAPARATOR GRUBU 1503 1 ADT 501 21 01503 01 12V 501 21 01503 21 24V 6 U CIFTLI RAY KULAK 70 CM KOMPLESI 1 SET 502 51 UC005 01 7 HAVA EMIS IZGARA PLASTIK 4 SIYAH 1 ADT 501 24 HEIPL 11 8 HORTUM CELIK T...

Page 16: ...FIBER KAPAK 1301 KUCUK 1 ADT 321 01 01301 01 9 FIBER HAM KAPAK 1301 KUCUK 1 ADT 504 11 01301 01 10 FITIL BAGAJ LASTIGI 1 ADT 103 02 FT001 01 9 10 TR 3 1 3 YILKAR Fiber Kapak 8...

Page 17: ...gaz n evreye s vererek s v hale ge ti i klima sistemi eleman d r 9 Evaporat r Evaporat r kondenserden gelen R134a so utucu ak kan n valf yard m ile buharla t ran ve bu sayede ortam havas n n so umas...

Page 18: ...Klima sistemi i in 12V ve 24V opsiyonlar bulunmaktad r R le Kart Klima Hortumu Kompres r klima sisteminde R134a klima gaz n s k t r p bas nc n artt ran sistemin pompas d r Klima sisteminde SAE J 2064...

Page 19: ...ak Bas n Hatt TR 4 1 Genel Montaj emas 4 Y lkar YK 80 S Montaj Yukar daki montaj emas nda iklimlendirme cihaz sisteminde hortumlar ile birbirine ba lanan bile enler zerinde R134a so utucu ak kan n n a...

Page 20: ...s gereken par alard r 12 Montaj Ad m 3 Evaporat r ve kondanser U profillerinin arac n g vdesine bakan y zeylerine montaj kiti i inde bulunan SIMSON ISR 70 03 beyaz mastik s k n z Montaj Ad m 2 Kesilen...

Page 21: ...1020 860 S R Y N Montaj Ad m 4 Kondenser ve evaporat r i in kullan lacak U ba lant profilleri konumu a a da g sterilen l de ara i inde tavan zerinde i aretlenmeli ve matkap u lu trapez M5x25 vida ile...

Page 22: ...na 5 delik a lmas gerekmektedir 4 adet ba lant takozlar i in 1 adet hortum ge i i i in 4 3 2 D nitenin Konumland r lmas ve Tavan D Montaj Ara zerinde herhangi bir kesik yapmadan nce arac n ak s n kar...

Page 23: ...nde merkezi hat ile belirleyiniz Montaj Ad m 6 YK 80 S i in teknik resimde detaylar verilen delik a lacak yerleri fiber kapak l lerini referans alarak ara zerinde i aretleyiniz aretlenen yerleri uygun...

Page 24: ...taj Ad m 9 klimlendirme cihaz n z n kondanser nitesini arac n tavan nda yal t m n sa lad n z ba lant takozlar na denk gelecek ekilde yerle tiriniz niteyi ara tavan na montajlamak i in takozlara uygun...

Page 25: ...TR S R Y N DI MONTAJ N TES ST G R N 17...

Page 26: ...n montaj yap lan U profillere matkap u lu trapez alt k e ba M5x25 vidalar ile uygun ekilde montajlay n z 4 4 YK 80 S nite Montaj 4 4 1 YK 80 S nite l leri 4 4 2 nitenin Konumland r lmas ve Tavan Monta...

Page 27: ...10 cm TR stenilen konuma montaj yap lan nitede blower motorun arkas nda minimum 10 cm bo luk olmal d r S R Y N 19...

Page 28: ...TR MONTAJ N TES G R N 20 S R Y N...

Page 29: ...5 Hortum ve Rekorlar klimlendirme sistemi fabrika taraf ndan i inde 20 bar bas n la g nderilmektedir Ba lant noktalar ndaki mevcut tapalar kar l rken i inde Azot gaz bulunup bulunmad kontrol edilmelid...

Page 30: ...UMU VE REKOR BA LANTISI 5 8 HORTUM VE REKOR BA LANTISI Kademe TR 22 Su tahliye hortumu ba lant s i in kelep eler evaporat r su tahliye k sm ndaki kademenin arkas ndan ekilde g sterildi i gibi s k lmal...

Page 31: ...nt lar Y lkar iklimlendirme sisteminde mevcut bulunan SAE J 2064 type E standartlar na uygun hortum e itleri bu hortumlara ait minimum b k lme yar ap ve bu hortumlarla kullan lan rekorlar a a daki tab...

Page 32: ...ik Adapt rler 1 ncelikle hortumlar d z bir ekilde kesiniz 1 2 Rekorun ge ece i hortumun i k sm n ya lay n z 3 Rekorlar hortumlara d zg n bir ekilde oturtunuz 2 3 4 Pense yard m yla kelep eleri s k n z...

Page 33: ...ac n hareketli elemanlar ndan ve s cak b lgelerinden uzak tutunuz hatt n ge ece i t m keskin kenar ve k elerden izole ederek montaj yap n z Hortumlar minimum b k lme yar ap na uygun ekilde b k n z T m...

Page 34: ...ar ile y zeye ge irerek montajlay n z 4 6 Elektrik Ba lant lar nite konumu ergonomik olarak s r c n n eri ilebilece i bir alanda d z bir y zey olarak se ilmelidir Montaj y zeyi l leri 90x45 mm olmal d...

Page 35: ...nu sigortan n bir taraf na ge iriniz Di er M8 kablo ucunu arac n ak s n n kutbuna yerle tiriniz M5 pullu somunlar takarak kofra setinin montaj n tamamlay n z Son olarak arac n arj dinamosundan al nan...

Page 36: ...S cakl k Sens r S cakl k Sens r KOMPRES R ARJ D NAMOSU ase GND KOFRA 80A ase GND FAN BLOWER MOTOR ase GND ase GND D RT YOL M R KONDENSER MOTOR KONDENSER MOTOR TR 4 6 2 Kablo Ba lant s ve Devre emas 2...

Page 37: ...ri D n Sar 0 75 mm 8 M r Ortak U Pembe 0 75 mm 9 D ACC 1 NU Kablo 0 50mm 10 Kumanda Besleme 2 NU Kablo 0 50mm 11 A C 3 NU Kablo 0 50mm 12 FAN 1 4 NU Kablo 0 50mm 13 FAN 2 5 NU Kablo 0 50mm 14 FAN 3 6...

Page 38: ...4 6 3 Kontrol nitesi Genel Bak 18 32 SET 21 Set s cakl artt r Set s cakl azalt Fan h z de i tirme A Kapat Klape a kapat Opsiyonel Is tma a kapat Opsiyonel G sterge ekran Dijital kumanda nitedeki s ca...

Page 39: ...mak i in so utma butonuna bas n Ekranda i areti kt nda kliman z so utma modunda al r Is tma modunu ba latmak i in s tma butonuna bas n Ekranda i areti kt nda kliman z s tma modunda al r opsiyonel Hava...

Page 40: ...tirin E 1 S cakl k Sens r A k Devre Olu ma Nedeni Kablo kesilmi veya soket km olabilir Sens r ar zalanm veya k r lm olabilir Cihaz n Tepkisi Hata olu tu unda sistem kapan r ve ekranda hata kodu g ste...

Page 41: ...zg n yerle tirdi inize emin olduktan sonra tork ba rondelal M6x25 civatalar ile kondensere montajlay n z 1200 1200 190 780 140 33 Kliman za ait fiber kapa takmadan nce kapa n lastiklerinin tam olarak...

Page 42: ...mlanmas Kompres r taraf ndan ba lanan vakum pompas ile sistem vakumlan r Bu i lem so utucu gaz verilmeden nce sistemin i inde kalan hava ve nem vakum pompas ile sistemden d ar ya at lmas n sa lamaktad...

Page 43: ...x1 ADT 104 02 11005 02 3 COMPACT DEPO 89 MUSURLU ALM x1 ADT 104 09 CD002 89 4 BORU 1301 5 8X18 U CIKIS DEPO GIRIS QUICK x1 ADT 101 12 01301 04 5 MUSUR DISI KOMPLESI 2 15 25 BAR 4 YOLLU x1 ADT 331 04...

Page 44: ...01 x1 ADT 104 04 2XJ00 01 13 5 8 x18 UNF OR NGL BLOK VALF ARA ADAPT R x1 ADT 108 07 21001 10 14 7 8 X14 UNF OR NGL NYON BLOK VALF IKI ADAPT R x1 ADT 108 07 21001 11 15 SU TASI KOMPLE YK 80 1503 x1 AD...

Page 45: ...L UNITESI YLK 12 24 V x1 ADT 105 01 KU010 01 KOFRA SETI 80 A x1 ADT 503 92 KFSET 01 FITIL BAGAJ LASTIGI 5 m 103 02 FT001 01 6 3 Di er Yedek Par alar KOMPRESOR SANDEN SD5S14 x1 ADT 504 03 KOMPRES R VAL...

Page 46: ...snas nda her zaman orijinal yedek par a kullan lmal d r YILKAR taraf ndan onaylanmam olan par alar nitenin g venli ini ve d zg n al mas n olumsuz etkileyebilir Bu t r durumlarda nite GARANT kapsam nda...

Page 47: ...unca kurumalar n engeller Kondanser bataryas n d zenli olarak kontrol ediniz ve gerekirse s k t r lm hava kullanarak ve al minyum kanatlara zarar vermeyecek ekilde temizleyiniz Is de i tiricilere yak...

Page 48: ......

Page 49: ...nd includes information on safe use of the device Please read this installation instruction carefully in order to fully install Y lkar air conditioner It is recommended to be stored in a safe and clea...

Page 50: ...irst from the date of installation of the product In case the product fails during the warranty period the time spent in repair is added to the warranty period This period starts with the delivery of...

Page 51: ...true for the resistor on the fan if it will run on the unit and it has not cooled down completely Replace faulty parts immediately and have any detected faults corrected It is mandatory to use the ne...

Page 52: ...and economical with all its features 44 2 Definition and Technical Information 2 1 What is YK 80 S 2 2 How does it work Vehicle roof air conditioners are heat machines that provide passenger thermal...

Page 53: ...Flow Rate 2000 m h for 2 Blower Motors Condenser Fan Flow Rate 3400 m h for 2 Axial Fans Pressure Switch Low pressure 2 bar Fan Control 15 bar High pressure 25 bar Dimensions Length x Width x Height...


Page 55: ...PARATOR GROUP YK 80 S 2015 1 PCS 501 21 YK090 01 12V 501 21 YK090 21 24V 6 U DOUBLE RAIL EAR 70 CM COMPLETE 1 SET 502 51 UC005 01 7 AIR SUCTION GRILL COMPLETE 4 BLACK 1 PCS 501 24 HEIPL 11 8 HOSE STEE...

Page 56: ...FIBER COVER 1301 SMALL 1 PCS 321 01 01301 01 9 FIBER RAW COVER 1301 SMALL 1 PCS 504 11 01301 01 10 WICK LUGGAGE RUBBER 1 PCS 103 02 FT001 01 9 10 TR 3 1 3 YILKAR Fiber Cover 48 EN...

Page 57: ...omes liquid by giving heat to the environment 3 2 General Description 4 3 5 Evaporator Evaporator is an air conditioning system element that evaporates the R134a refrigerant coming from the condenser...

Page 58: ...nd 24V options for the air conditioning system Relay Board Air Conditioner Hoses It is the pump of the system that compresses the R134a air conditioner gas in the compressor air conditioning system an...

Page 59: ...SER VALVE COMPRESSOR EVAPORATOR High Pressure Line Low Pressure Line In the above assembly diagram the flow direction of the R134a refrigerant and the low high pressure zones are shown on the componen...

Page 60: ...evaporator plastic covers just before this procedure 52 Assembly Step 1 First of all cut the U connection profiles to the dimensions suitable for the roof of your vehicle Assembly Step 2 Assemble the...

Page 61: ...sition of the U connection profiles to be used for the condenser and evaporator should be marked on the ceiling in the vehicle as shown below and mounted to the ceiling with a drill tipped trapezoidal...

Page 62: ...ssary to drill 5 holes in the roof of the vehicle 4 for connecting wedges 1 for hose passage 4 3 2 Outdoor Unit Positioning and Roof Mounting Before making any cuts on the vehicle remove the vehicle s...

Page 63: ...nce with the mounting criteria Assembly Step 6 For YK 80 S mark the places to be drilled the details of which are given in the technical drawing on the vehicle by referring to the fiber cover dimensio...

Page 64: ...e condenser unit of your air conditioner on the roof of the vehicle so that it coincides with the connection wedges that you insulate To mount the unit on the vehicle roof fasten it to the wedges with...


Page 66: ...nted on the vehicle with drill tipped trapezoidal hexagon head M 5x25 screws 4 4 YK 80 S Indoor Unit Installation 4 4 1 YK 80 S Indoor Unit Dimension 4 4 2 Indoor Unit Positioning and Roof Mounting 58...

Page 67: ...There should be minimum 10 cm space behind the blower motor of in the unit installed at the desired location 59 DRIVE DIRECTION EN 10 cm...


Page 69: ...ioning system is sent by the factory with a pressure of 20 bar inside While removing the existing plugs at the connection points it should be checked whether there is Nitrogen gas in it 61 4 5 Hoses a...

Page 70: ...the stage in the evaporator water discharge section should be tightened as shown in the figure Water drain hoses should be inclined at least 2 so as not to obstruct the water flow EN 5 16 HOSE AND FI...

Page 71: ...inimum bending radius of these hoses and the unions used with these hoses are given in the table below Fitting sets used in Y lkar air conditioning system are shown in the table below 4 5 1 2 Fitting...

Page 72: ...5 4 5 1 3 Clamp and Plastic Adapters 1 First of all cut the hoses straight one 2 Lubricate the inner part of the hose where the union will pass 3 Put the unions on the hoses properly 2 3 4 Tighten the...

Page 73: ...ors Keep away from the moving elements and hot parts of the vehicle make the assembly by isolating it from all sharp edges and corners where the line will pass Bend the hoses to the minimum bending ra...

Page 74: ...e in accordance with the unit and then mount the unit by inserting these nails onto the surface The unit location should be ergonomically chosen as a flat surface in an area accessible to the driver M...

Page 75: ...e side of the fuse Place the other M8 cable end on the terminal of the vehicle s battery Pass the M6 wire end of the 16 mm B wire to one side of the fuse Place the other M8 cable end to the pole of th...

Page 76: ...ase GND ase GND D RT YOL M R KONDENSER MOTOR KONDENSER MOTOR ase GND ase GND ase GND ase GND FOUR WAY SENSOR 4 6 2 Wiring and Circuit Diagram 2 1 3 68 Outdoor Temperature Sensor Internal Temperature...

Page 77: ...Back Yellow 0 75 mm 8 Switch Common End Pink 0 75 mm 9 D ACC 1 NU Cable 0 50mm 10 Power Control 2 NU Cable 0 50mm 11 A C 3 NU Cable 0 50mm 12 FAN 1 4 NU Cable 0 50mm 13 FAN 2 5 NU Cable 0 50mm 14 FAN...

Page 78: ...th the help of temperature probes in the unit 3 6 2 1 5 4 7 Set temparature Heating on Flap Closed Outside temparature Cooling on Fan speed Inside temparature 7 6 5 2 3 4 1 Flap Open 18 32 SET 21 Incr...

Page 79: ...ppears on the screen your air conditioner operates in cooling mode To start the heating mode press the heating button When the heating sign appears on the screen your air conditioner operates in heati...

Page 80: ...ture Sensor Open Circuit Cause of Occurrence The cable may have been cut or the socket may have come off The sensor may be faulty or broken Device Response When an error occurs the system shuts down a...

Page 81: ...commissioning the air conditioner Before installing the fiber cover of the air conditioner make sure that the rubbers of the cover are fully inserted then place it parallel to the vehicle roof so tha...

Page 82: ...The system is vacuumed by the vacuum pump connected by the compressor This process ensures that the air and moisture remaining in the system are discharged from the system with the vacuum pump before...

Page 83: ...750X552X20 x1 PCS 104 02 11005 02 3 COMPACT FILTER 89 ALM X1 PCS 104 09 CD002 89 4 PIPE 1301 5 8X18 U OUTLET TANK INLET QUICK X1 PCS 101 12 01301 04 5 SENSOR COMPLETE 2 15 25 BAR 4 Way X1 PCS 331 04...

Page 84: ...1 13 5 8 x18 UNF ORIGINAL BLOCK VALVE ADAPTER x1 PCS 108 07 21001 10 14 7 8 X14 UNF INION BLOCK VALVE OUTLET ADAPTER x1 PCS 108 07 21001 11 15 WATER BOTTLE COMPLETE PLASTIC YK 90 2015 x1 PCS 501 01 YK...


Page 86: ...parts should always be used during repairs Parts not approved by YILKAR may adversely affect the safety and proper operation of the unit In such cases the unit is out of WARRANTY For a fast and accura...

Page 87: ...f inactivity Check the condenser coil regularly and if necessary clean it using compressed air without damaging the aluminum fins When working close to heat exchangers be careful not to injure yoursel...

Page 88: ...Vehicle Heating Cooling and Ventilation Systems Phone 90 224 215 53 28 pbx Fax 90 224 215 99 24 Address K kbal kl Mah 580 Sok No 6 Osmangazi BURSA TURKEY www yilkarklima com...
