User manual
of phone book, including the name, mobile, home number
office number,
phone number, fax number, email, caller picture, caller ringtone, caller
group,memo, title,company name, company address.
The phone book allows quick search through it. Input what you want to
search, Enter the first letter then all the records starting with such letter
are displayed.
6 Services
The Internet is wireless Internet communication and combination of
application platform, can make you through the phones to get rich
Internet information resources and e-commerce applications
When open Internet, the option has the following features for your
Let you input the web page address.
Current page
Refresh the current page, Set as homepage, save as bookmark, save as
offline pages, View the current web page information.
Bookmark the default is blank, you can edit on its own. Can the
commonly used site preserved in the favorites, and in a simple name