Manufacturing instructions
Part no: 2005
Ensuring the head box/fascia profile is square within the saw, cut the head
box to size.
Ensuring the head box cover is square within the saw, cut the head box to
size making sure there is no distortion.
N.B It is critical that the profile is cut square to enable the cover to close.
Cut barrel, bottom bar, fabric, side channels and PVC insert to size.
File all aluminium cuts and cut a small V-shape in the top of the PVC tracker
profile to assist in fabric location.
Weld a small pocket at the bottom of the fabric. Weld zip onto fabric both
sides of the fabric to match the drop of the blind. Cut off any excess zip.
Attach fabric to barrel sleeve and bottom bar making it central on the
918252 barrel sleeve. Use double sided tape to fix the fabric in place on the
barrel. This barrel sleeve can now be slid over the top of the smaller barrel.
Make a small incision in the welded pocket in order to slide in the fabric
insert. Attach the bottom bar to the fabric using the fabric insert. Once
complete insert the end caps.
Insert the transition plates into the head box and attach the end plates
using 933010 screws.
Cut the chain to length and attach to control mechanism.
Making sure the control is on the correct side, insert the control mechanism/
pin end into the barrel and place barrel and fabric into the head box.
Using the punch provided, punch a hole in the head box cover to enable the
chain to enter/exit the head box by:
a) Place the
template on the
control side of
head box cover
and mark the hole
for the chain guide
using a pencil
(template should
be pushed firmly
against the lip on
the cover).
C40-90T Cassetted Blinds:
Use this
hole on the
Manufacturing Instructions
cassetted blinds (C40-90T)