Th s product you have purchased has been subjected to all tests and controls and
packed by us before t reaches you.
However, t s poss ble for some parts to be damaged dur ng transportat on. If you
encounter such a s tuat on, do not return the ent re product and only ask for the
damaged part.
You can find the code for the requ red part on the second page of th s manual.
The m ss ng part w ll be sent to you as soon as poss ble.
Before start ng the assembly; Check that all parts and accessor es n the boxes are
ntact and complete accord ng to the l st.
After clean ng each part w th a damp cloth, you can start the assembly.
If you have purchased more than one product, do not sw tch to the other product
w thout complet ng the assembly of a s ngle product, n order to avo d any confus on.
Never carry products by dragg ng them. Carry the product w th at least two people by
l ft ng and d sassembl ng t when necessary. For long-d stance transportat on, you
should defin tely carry the product w th ts package.
Surface clean ng of the furn ture s very easy. It s enough to w pe t w th a damp and
soapy cloth or other household clean ng products that are non-abras ve and non-
ac d c.
S nce furn ture s affected by extreme heat, cold and hum d ty, do not d rectly expose
your furn ture to these factors.
Do not use your furn ture for other than ts ntended purpose.
Dear Customer,