U sledećem meniju samo odaberite naziv makroa koji će biti dodeljen i potvrdite sve promene ponovnim pritiskom
na dugme Apply (Primeni).
All the mouse setting can then be stored in the three basic profiles or other custom profiles. This means you
can store up to three mouse configurations. If you use different settings for various tasks, you needn’t change
the mouse setting every time - just store each setting in a different profile. Then you can switch between them
as you wish. This option can be found in the left program section with the relevant controls. Use the Plus button
to create a new profile, the Bin to delete any profile and the three dots button to export, import and rename
a profile. In this way, you can simply store your profiles to your PC and take them anywhere. Just import your
profile on another PC and use your mouse with the same setting likewise in another location.
Uređivač makroa