Base station description
1 Paging Key
Locates a misplaced handset. Toggles the registration mode. Resets the base station to
factory settings.
2 Registration LED
Indicates the mode of the base station. Fast flashes when the base station is in the paging mode.
Slow flashes green when the base station is in the registration mode. Illuminates solid when there
is at least one handset registered to the base station.
3 Network Status LED
Indicates the network status. Slow flashes green when the network is unavailable.
Illuminates solid green when the network is available.
4 Power Indicator LED
Indicates the power status of the base station. Slow flashes green when the base station is during
the firmware upgrading process. Slow flashes green when the base station is during the firmware
resetting process. Illuminates solid green when the base station is powered on.
6732V-FTTH Set-up guide refresh V3.indd 4
2018/06/28 11:12 AM