Export VCF
Click export xml button to export phonebook file of
vcf model
Blacklist Settings
Select the blacklist type, you can select number or
prefix of number
Input number or prefix of number
Select the sip line
Notice: the add button for adding a new blacklist, the delete button for
deleting one item, the delete all button for deleting all items.
If user does not want to answer some phone calls, add these phone numbers to
the Black List, and these calls will be rejected.x and are wildcard x means
matching any single digit. for example, 4xxx expresses any number with
prefix 4 which length is 4 will be forbidden to be responded
DOT (.) means matching any arbitrary number digit. for example, 6. expresses
any number with prefix 6 will be forbidden to be responded
If user wants to allow a number or a series of number incoming, he may add
the number(s) to the list as the white list rule. the configuration rule is
-number, for example, -123456, or -1234xx
Means any incoming number is forbidden except for 4119
Note: End with DOT (.) when set up the white list
You need to match a XML Phonebook address and you can directly access to
the corresponding remote phonebook on the phone.
Remote Phonebook
Phonebook Name
Custom the phonebook name displayed on the phone
Server URL
Specify the server url of the remote phonebook
Sip Line
Specify the sip line for the remote phonebook