4.5 Boot
This section is used to configure the boot features.
This section configures the number of seconds to wait for the setup activation key.
This allows you to determine the default state of the numeric keypad.
On - (default) The function of the numeric keypad is the number keys.
Off - The function of the numeric keypad is the arrow keys.
Enabled - (default) Displays OEM logo instead of the POST messages.
Disabled - Displays normal POST messages.
Upon Request - GA20 can be disabled using BIOS services.
- Do not allow disabling GA20; this option is useful when any RT code is
executed above 1MB.
This field is used to set display mode for Option ROM.
Allows Option ROMs to trap Interrupt 19 when enabled.
Adjust the boot sequence of the system.
Sets the order of the legacy devices in this group.
Setup Promt Timeout
Bootup NumLock State
Quiet Boot
GateA20 Active
Option ROM Messages
Int19 Trap Response
Boot Option Priorities
Hard Drive BBS Priorities
BIOS setup
HB160 | PPC | 62K-PNJ0 | en | 20-20