Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
The lines may be installed in common bundles or cable
The lines have to be installed in different bundles or cable
trusses (without min. distance).
The lines have to be installed in different bundles or cable
trusses inside of cubicles and outside of the cubicle but
inside the building in separated cable trusses with a min. dis-
tance of 10cm.
The lines have to be installed in different bundles or cable
trusses with a min. distance of 50cm.
Wherever possible, exterior cabling should be installed on metallic
cable trays. A galvanic connection must be provided for joints
between cable trays. You must abide by the applicable lightning pro-
tection and grounding regulations when installing exterior cables.
Where cables and signal lines for PLC equipment are
installed outside of buildings, the conditions for internal
and external lightning protection must be satisfied.
– Exterior lines should either be installed in metallic con-
duit pipes that is grounded on both ends or in steel-
reinforced concrete cable trunks with continuously con-
nected reinforcing.
– Signal lines should be protected against overvoltage by
varistors or by lightning arrester filled with rare gas.
– Install these protective elements at the location where
the cables enter the building.
Any lightning protection system must be based on an indi-
vidual assessment of the entire plant. For questions
please contact VIPA GmbH.
Line routing outside of
Lightning protection
Installation guidelines
EMC-equitable cabling
HB160 | PPC | 67S-PNL0 | GB | 15-26