8.6 Fast introduction
At the first start-up respectively at an over all reset with an PowerON again, the Ethernet
PG/OP channel and PROFINET IO controller do not have any IP address. These may
only be reached via its MAC address. IP address parameters may be assigned to the cor-
responding component by means of the MAC addresses, which may be found on labels
beneath the front flap with the sequence 1. address PG/OP channel and beneath address
of the PROFINET IO controller. The assignment takes place directly via the hardware
configuration of the Siemens SIMATIC Manager.
For the configuration of the PROFINET IO controller for productive connections please
follow the following approach:
Assembly and commissioning
Hardware configuration - CPU
Configure connections
Siemens S7 connections
(Configuration via Siemens NetPro, communication via VIPA handling blocks)
Open communication
(Configuration and communication happens by standard handling blocks)
Transfer of the complete project to CPU
To be compatible to the Siemens SIMATIC Manager, the CPU
315-4PN23 from VIPA is to be configured as CPU 315-2 PN/DP (6ES7
315-2EH14-0AB0 V3.2)!
The PROFINET IO controller is to be configured via the CPU sub module
X2 (PN-IO).
The Ethernet PG/OP channel of the CPU 315-4PN23 is always to be con-
figured as 1. module after the really plugged modules at the standard bus
as CP343-1 (343-1EX11) from Siemens.
8.7 Commissioning and initialization
Install your System 300S with your CPU.
Wire the system by connecting cables for voltage supply and signals
Connect your PROFINET IO controller with Ethernet.
Switch on the power supply.
After a short boot time, the CP is in idle. At the first commissioning res. after an
overall reset of the CPU, the PROFINET IO controller and the Ethernet PG/OP
channel have no IP address.
You get valid IP address parameters from your system administrator. The assignment of
the IP address data happens online in the Siemens SIMATIC Manager starting with ver-
sion V 5.3 & SP3 with the following proceeding:
Start the Siemens SIMATIC Manager and set via
Set PG/PC interface’
the access path to
‘TCP/IP -> Network card ....’
Open with
Edit Ethernet Node n’
the dialog window with the same name.
To get the stations and their MAC address, use the [Browse] button or type in the
MAC Address. The Mac address may be found at the 2. label beneath the front flap
of the CPU.
Steps of configuration
Assembly and commis-
Assign IP address param-
System 300S
Deployment Ethernet communication - productive
Commissioning and initialization
HB140 | CPU | 315-4PN23 | en | 18-02