www.dadehpardazan.ir 88594014-15
5 Trial Operation (Checking Linear Servomotor Operation)
The trial operation described here is a JOG operation for linear servomotors not con-
nected to machinery (without a load). The purpose of this trial operation is to check
whether the SERVOPACK and linear servomotor are properly connected and
whether the linear servomotor is operating correctly.
To conduct trial operation executed from the host controller for the linear servomotor
without a load, or for the linear servomotor connected to the machine, refer to the fol-
lowing manuals.
-V Series User's Manual Design and Maintenance Linear Motor/Analog Voltage
and Pulse Train Reference (SIEP S800000 47)
-V Series User's Manual Design and Maintenance Linear Motor/MECHATRO-
LINK-II Communications Reference (SIEP S800000 48)
-V Series User's Manual Design and Maintenance Linear Motor/MECHATRO-
LINK-III Communications Reference (SIEP S800000 65)
-V Series User's Manual Design and Maintenance Linear Motor/Command
Option Attachable Type (SIEP S800000 66)
• Before conducting trial operation, always make sure that an emergency stop can
be immediately executed.