8.1 Overview
Common parameters are assigned common parameter numbers that are defined in the stan-
dard servo profile and are independent of individual devices. The utilization of common param-
eters means that parameters can be read or set without using parameter numbers or names
specific to individual devices.
To read or set common parameters, select "common parameters" in the MODE field of the
SVPRM_RD or SVPRM_WR command.
In the common parameters, there are various parameters that have equivalent functions to
device parameters (Pn0
to Pn8
) specific to this SERVOPACK. As shown in the follow-
ing example, setting either the common parameter or the device parameter will change the
value of the corresponding parameter. Refer to the following section for details.
8.3 Common Parameters and Corresponding Device Parameters
The units (number of significant digits) differ between common parameters and device parame-
ters (Pn0
to Pn8
). Therefore, the values are converted between them as shown in the
example below so that the device can operate at the accuracy defined with the device param-
Changing the position loop gain
Common Parameter
-7 Device Parameter
No. 63 = 40.000
Pn102 = 40.00
No. 63 = 50.005
Pn102 = 50.00
No. 63 = 60.010
Pn102 = 60.01