YASKAWA PROFINET V1000 Setup Download Page 3

Follow these instructions to change parameters in the drive:

1) Press down arrow until screen reads "PAR." Press Enter.

2. Press down arrow the screen reads "F7-01."

3. Press ">Reset" two times until "01" is flashing.

4. Press the up arrow until the value reads "13." Press Enter.

5. Use the arrow to change the value to "00." Press Enter. The screen will flash "End" and go back
to the previous screen.

6. Use the moves in 4 and 5 to change the remaining parameters:

       -Change F7-03 to "208"

       -Change F7-04 to "90"

7. Press ESC until the "F" on the screen is flashing. Then, press the down arrow until the screen
reads "b1-01."

8. Use the steps in 3 to 5 to change the remaining parameters:

       -Change B1-01 to "3"

       -Change B1-02 to "3"

       -Change B1-08 to "1"

       -Change F6-01 to "0"

      -Change F6-03 to "0"

       -Change F6-14 to "1"

9. Power cycle control and enclosure to reset VFD.

NOTE: For multiple V1000's, each drive will need it's own IP address. So, set the F7-04 parameter
for each drive in ascending order (90, 91, 92.)

NOTE: For the B1-01 and B1-02 parameters, we ship many of our drives with an option card that
requires them both be set to "3." But, if these settings trip an alarm, see manual to determine
