The communication takes place via the I/O area. The main data of the object dictionary
Chapter 4.11 ‘In-/Output area’ on page 83
Included in the mapping is also the
Acyclic Channel
through which you can acyclically
access the objects of the motion module. With the acyclic access, any access to the
object dictionary is acknowledged by the motion module.
The mapping cannot be changed.
Please note if you write via the Acyclic Channel to objects, which are
mapped in the I/O area, these values are overwritten with the next cycle.
5.2 Objects
5.2.1 Overview
Access to 2 drives
For each drive, there is an object dictionary whose structures are iden-
tical. Please note that the descriptions always relate to drive 1, unless
otherwise noted. To access drive 2, you have to add 0x1000 to the corre-
sponding object.
Object dictionary drive 1: 0x8000 ... 0x8FFF
Object dictionary drive 2: 0x9000 ... 0x9FFF
Explanation of the elements
Index-Sub - Index and subindex
- Data type SIGNEDx
- Data type UNSIGNEDx
- Read- write access
- Temperature in degree celsius (°C)
- Increment - pulse of an encoder
Chapter 4.1.3 ‘Encoder - signal evalua-
- The unit [User] is a user defined unit, which can be set via
- Object, which is mapped in the
Chapter 4.11 ‘In-/Output area’
Acyclic Channel
to this object, the value is
overwritten with the next cycle.
- Object, which can be written in all states of the state machine. Otherwise
objects can only be written in the state
‘Switch on disabled’
Chapter 5.2.3 ‘Passwords and security - 0x1100’ on page 102
Accessing the object dic-
Explanation of the ele-
Object dictionary
Objects > Overview
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