TOEP C710656 07A YASKAWA Power Regenerative Converter - D1000 Instruction Manual
C.11 Communication Errors
C.11 Communication Errors
MEMOBUS/Modbus Error Codes
A list of MEMOBUS/Modbus errors appears below.
When an error occurs, remove whatever caused the error and restart communications.
Slave Not Responding
In the following situations, the slave converter will ignore the command message sent from the master, and not send a
response message:
• When a communications error (overrun, framing, parity, or CRC-16) is detected in the command message.
• When the slave address in the command message and the slave address in the converter do not match (remember to set
the slave address for the converter using H5-01).
• When the gap between two blocks (8-bit) of a message exceeds 24 bits.
• When the command message data length is invalid.
If the slave address specified in the command message is 00H, all slaves execute the write function, but do not return response
messages to the master.
Error Code
Error Name
Function Code Error
• Attempted to set a function code from a PLC other than 03H, 08H, and 10H.
Register Number Error
• A register number specified in the command message does not exist.
• Attempted to send a broadcast message using other register numbers than 0001H or 0002H.
Bit Count Error
• Read data or write data is greater than 16 bits. Invalid command message quantity.
• In a write message, the “Number of Data Items” contained within the message does not equal twice the amount of data
words (i.e., the total of Data 1+ Data 2, etc.).
Data Setting Error
• Control data or parameter write data is outside the allowable setting range.
• Attempted to write a contradictory parameter setting.
Write Mode Error
• During run, the user attempted to write a parameter that cannot be written to during run.
• During an EEPROM memory data error (CPF06), the master attempted to write to a parameter other than A1-00 to A1-05,
E1-03, or o2-04.
• Attempted to write to read-only data.
DC Bus Undervoltage Write Error
• During an undervoltage situation, the master attempted to write to parameters that cannot be written to during
Write Error During Parameter Process
• Master attempted writing to the converter while the converter was processing parameter data.