Revised May 24, 2012
Two people are required for the installation of this fountain!
1. Make sure you are assembling your fountain on a level surface.
2. Place the Riser (FT-53D) into position where the fountain will be installed.
3. Place the Pedestal (FT-53C) on top of the riser, ensuring that it is centered and level.
4. Feed the pump cord through the hole in the Large Bowl (FT-53B) and down through the Pedestal and risers.
5. Pull the pump cord all the way through the bottom of the basin, pedestal and riser leaving enough cord length
in the bowl to work with the pump.
6. To ensure a level installation, bring the pump cord out through the channel in the bottom of the Riser.
7. Place the Large Bowl on top of the Pedestal, ensuring that it is centered and leveled.
8. Wrap a piece of putty around the cord where you will be placing the stopper.
9. Fit cord into stopper.
10. Place a piece of putty inside the length of the slit in the stopper.
11. Wrap putty around outside of stopper ensuring that the slit and the cord hole are covered and sealed.
12. Press stopper firmly into the hole of basin.
13. Place a hose clamp over one end of the 6” length of ½ ” non kink tubing.
14. Connect that end of the tubing to the pump outlet. Tighten the hose clamp to ensure a good seal.
15. If you wish to use one of the hose clamps as a flow restrictor, you must install it on the tubing at this point.
16. Place the other hose clamp over the other end of the 6” length of ½ ” non kink tubing.
17. Attach that end to the bottom pipe of the finial (FT-53A). Tighten the hose clamp to ensure a good seal.
18. Place the finial over the pump.
19. Place the pump cover door (FT-53BC) in the pump access opening of the pump cover.
20. Fill the basin with water.
a. NOTE: Do not run fountain without sufficient water. If the pump is allowed to run dry, it can damage
the pump.
- W I N T E R C A R E -
Fountain bowls/tops and other fountain components, which collect water, should not be left outside in the winter since
any component, which fills with water and freezes may crack. Likewise components such as pedestals, which remain
in a basin, filled with water, which then freezes, may also crack or crumble. Ideally, therefore, a fountain should always
be stored indoors or in a dry protected place such as a covered porch away from the elements. However, if a fountain
must be left outside:
(1) Remove pump, rubber stoppers, drainpipes, finials, and other small components for storage indoors. Note
that stoppers or drainpipes are removed to allow drainage in the event water accumulates in any basin.
(2) Raise fountain base from ground with wood strips so that base will not freeze to the ground surface.
(3) Cover or wrap the fountain with burlap or other absorbent material (old blanket or towel) and then cover
securely with plastic, making sure that water will not accumulate in the basin or other fountain component and freeze;
(4) Check fountain periodically to insure that plastic is secure and water is not accumulating in any fountain
- G E N E R A L F O U N T A I N T I P S -
Install fountains on a level surface. You will need a properly grounded 110-volt (AC only) GFCI protected receptacle
near the fountain for your pump. All pumps are submersible and must be completely underwater to function properly.
Test all pumps and adjust to full output prior to assembly. It is not recommended that fountains be placed directly on
grass or dirt. Position the channel opening at the base of each fountain toward the electrical outlet to be used since the
pump cord will be threaded through this opening.
FT-53 Medici Elipse Fountain
(5 pieces)
FT-53 Medici Elipse Fountain
(5 pieces)
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