tive and may re
sult in personal in jury
through con tact with the rotating blade. The
blade con trol han dle must op erate eas ily in
both di rec tions and au to mat i cally re turn to
the dis en gaged po si tion when re leased.
Never operate the mower in wet grass. Al
ways be sure of your footing. A slip and fall
can cause se rious personal in jury. If you feel
you are los
ing your foot
ing, re
lease the
blade con trol han
dle im
me di ately and the
blade will stop ro tating within three sec onds.
Mow only in daylight or in good ar
light. Walk, never run.
Stop the blade when cross ing gravel drives,
walks or roads.
If the equip ment should start to vi
brate ab
n o rm a l ly, s to p t h e e n g i n e a n d c h e c k
immediately for the cause. Vibration is gen-
erally a warn ing of trou ble.
Shut the en gine off and wait un til the blade
comes to a com plete stop be fore removing
the grass catcher or un
clogging the chute.
The cut
ting blade continues to ro
tate for a
few sec
onds after the en
gine is shut off.
Never place any part of the body in the
blade area un til you are sure the blade has
stopped ro tat ing.
Never op
erate mower without proper trail
shield, dis charge cover, grass catcher, blade
control han dle or other safety protective de -
vices in place and work
ing. Never op
mower with dam aged safety de vices. Failure
to do so, can re sult in personal in jury.
Muffler and en
gine be
come hot and can
cause a burn. Do not touch.
Only use parts and ac
cessories made for
this machine by the man ufacturer. Failure to
do so, can result in personal in jury.
If situations occur which are not covered in
this manual, use care and good judg
Con tact your cus tomer sup port de part ment.
Slopes are a ma jor fac tor re lated to slip and
fall ac
cidents which can re
sult in se
vere in
jury. Op
eration on slopes re
quires ex
caution. If you feel un
easy on a slope, do
not mow it. For your safety, use the slope
gauge in
cluded as part of this man
ual to
measure slopes be fore op erating this unit on
a sloped or hilly area. If the slope is greater
than 15 de grees, do not mow it.
Mow across the face of slopes; never up
and down. Ex
ercise ex
treme cau
tion when
changing di
rection on slopes. Watch for
holes, ruts, bumps, rocks, or other hid
objects which can cause you to slip or trip.
Tall grass can hide ob
stacles. Al
ways be
sure of your foot
ing. A slip and fall can
cause se rious personal in jury. If you feel you
are losing your balance, re
lease the blade
con trol han dle im
me di ately, and the blade
will stop ro tating within 3 sec onds.
Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches or em-
bankments, you could lose your foot
ing or
bal ance.
Do not mow slopes greater than 15 de grees
as shown on the slope gauge.
Do not mow on wet grass. Un stable foot ing
could cause slip ping.
Tragic ac
cidents can oc
cur if the op
erator is
not alert to the presence of chil dren. Children
are of
ten at
tracted to the mower and the
mowing ac
tivity. They do not un
derstand the
dangers. Never as
sume that chil
dren will re
main where you last saw them.
a) Keep chil
dren out of the mow
ing area
and un der the watch ful care of a re spon-
sible adult other than the operator.
b) Be alert and turn mower off if a child en-
ters the area.
c) Before and while mov ing back wards, look
behind and down for small chil dren.
d) Use ex
treme care when ap
blind cor ners, door ways, shrubs, trees, or
other ob
jects that may obscure your vi
sion of a child who may run into the
e) Keep chil
dren away from hot or run
engines. They can suf fer burns from a hot
muf fler.
Never al
low chil dren un der 14 years old to
operate a power mower. Children 14 years
old and over should read and un
the operation in structions and safety rules in
this manual and should be trained and su
pervised by a par ent.
To avoid per sonal in jury or prop erty dam age
use ex treme care in handling gasoline. Gas-
oline is ex tremely flammable and the va pors
are ex plo sive. Se ri ous per
sonal in jury can
occur when gasoline is spilled on yourself or
Summary of Contents for 950 Series
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