Operating instruction
安 徽 扬 子 工 业 科 技 有 限 公 司
Page 1: ...YZ X1 FLOOR SCRUBBER Operating instruction 安 徽 扬 子 工 业 科 技 有 限 公 司 ANHUI YANGZI INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY CO LTD ...
Page 2: ...YZ X1 Instruction Manual 1 ...
Page 3: ...2 Catalogue 1 0 Operationsafety instruction 01 2 1 Functions and precautions 02 2 2 Features and parameters 03 3 0 For the first time to use 04 4 0 Daily operation and maintenance 05 ...
Page 4: ...endanger persons or cause serious damage to property Safety Precautions Attempttooperateorrepairthemachinewithoutreadingthisinstructionmanualmay cause harm to you or others Capable of damaging machinery or other property The operator must go through the system training before using the machine to be on duty Inordertoavoidtheoccurrenceoffire themachineisonlysuitablefornon explosion proof grade comm...
Page 5: ...uld use a three core power cord with a ground wire and a power supply In order to avoid electric shock accidents to the maximum extent please install a leakage circuit breaker Don t put anything on the battery When cleaningthe machine please do notinject water into the suctionmotor inlet Failuretopayattentiontothelabelonthemachineandthecontentsoftheinstructions willresultininjury Besuretoreadallth...
Page 6: ...ground will completely dry water 3 The equipment is designed for use on flat ground Do not operate or operate on inclined surface Avoidance of danger 4 The equipment should be stored and parked horizontally and non professionals are prohibited to operate the equipment 5 Donotstartandplacetheequipmentintheflammable explosiveandchemical environment 6 Thedeviceispoweredbythebattery andtheacidinthebat...
Page 7: ...ialtotheinstallationandremovalof batteries The suction motor is installed on the cover of the sewage tank After the sewage tank cover is turned over the water absorption motor can be easily repaired 4 Scraper replacement is convenient and fast Loosenthefixedhandleofthe suctionscraper pulloutthesuctionpipejoint andthe suction scraper can be easily removed Loosen the two scraping strips Theboltscanb...
Page 8: ...ater tank 6 Putthebrushplateon putdownthewater absorbingsteakandbrushplate 7 Start suction motor brush motor and solenoid valve 8 Openthehandleofthewatervalveswitchtoadjusttheappropriatewateroutput 9 Turn on the forward switch for cleaning 10 Aftercleaning closethebrushplatemotorfirst andthenclosethewaterabsorption motor 11 Raise the brush plate and water absorption rack to discharge the sewage If...
Page 9: ... handle and control thewaterflow Itcanbothcleanthefloorandreducethewearandtearofcleanwater detergent 6 starttheswitch brushmotor solenoidvalveopen themachinestartstowork Note Theadjustmentofwaterabsorptionstripwilldirectlyaffectthewaterabsorption effectofsuctionstrip Itisnecessarytokeepthesuctionstripandthegroundattached evenly Afterthestripiswornout theadjustable10000directionwheelknobwillbeused ...
Page 10: ...rushheadandthebrush platebayonetarebasicallyaligned andpressdownthecontrolsurfaceatthistime Brushplatemotorstartbutton thebrushplatewillbeinstalledautomaticallywiththe rotationofthemotor andthen youcanstart the operation Manualinstallationisalsoavailable Manualinstallationisrecommendedforemployees who are not skilled in operation 2 Dismount the brush plate after you finish the work raise the brush...
Page 11: ...il pleasepurchase the specialoil resistant rubber strip 12 Work at the end of each day 1 Clean the outside of the cleaning machine with dry and wet cloth 2 the sewage tank in the sewage empty and clean 3 Liftthebrushplateandwaterabsorptionrack andputthefloorwasheronallsides without flammable gases liquids and chemicals No open fire dry and ventilated flat environment placed or charged 4 If the lon...
Page 12: ...structions and safety instructions 3 Duringthewarrantyperiod theartificialdamageofwarrantyaccessorieswillnotbeguaranteed 4 During the warranty period users who do not follow the operation instructions or dismantle and repair by themselveswillnotbeguaranteed ifrepairisneeded thecostofproductionwillbecharged 5 The buyer shall take the invoice to the place designated by the seller for repair or send ...