Yamarin 80 Day Cruiser
25 (48)
It is possible,
using the boat’s trim
, to correct the sideways heeling to ensure that the boat is
moving completely upright both when there is a side wind as well as when the boat is
unevenly loaded. It is true to say that all planing boats lie against the wind. However, when
the boat is equipped with trim tabs, its direction can be straightened by putting down the
windward trim tab. This enables the boat to run much more smoothly through the waves. If
you want to reduce the impact of waves even further, you can trim up windward, which
causes the waves to go more under the bottom of the boat.
Yamarin 80 DC trim system:
1. Trim tab
4. Trim control unit
2. Trim cylinder
5. Trim pump
3. Trim hose
6. Trim switches
Adjust the trim tabs with care when at high speed – it dramatically
changes the behaviour of the boat. Do not run the boat with the
bow too much down, as the boat can pitch unexpectedly.
Waves reduce manoeuvrability and make the boat heel. Take this
into account by reducing the speed when encountering heavier
Starting the engine
Switch on the engine using the main switch.
Lower the engine to the driving position by pressing the Power Trim button on the
gear/throttle handle.
Check that the gear/throttle handle is in the neutral position and that the emergency
switch is attached to the bottom of the remote control.
Switch on the current, using the start key, without starting the engine and wait a few
seconds until the warning lights light up.
Start the engine by turning the ignition key clockwise, until it starts. If everything is
correct the engine should start within 1-2 seconds. If the engine does not start you
should not “crank” the starter engine for more than 10 seconds at any one time.
After the engine has started, let it idle for a few minutes before setting off. (Please
refer to the engine manual!)