Yamarin 63 Hard Top
10 (47)
The warnings and cautions in this manual are defined as follows:
Denotes an extreme hazard that will result in a high probability of death
or permanent injury if proper precautions are not taken.
Denotes a hazard that can result in injury or death if proper precautions
are not taken.
Denotes a reminder of safe practices or directs attention to unsafe
practices which could result in personal injury or damage to the craft or
components or the environment.
SI system units are used in this manual. In some cases, other units have been added in
brackets. An exception is wind speed, for which the Beaufort scale is used in the
Recreational Craft Directive.
The boat and its factory-installed equipment have a two-year warranty, starting on the first
day of use. Please contact your dealer regarding any potential warranty issues. Please
remember to provide the CIN code. If possible, please provide a digital photograph of the
subject of your claim. This usually speeds up the claims process.
Before use
Every boat in Finland of more than 5.5 m in length or with an engine with a rated output of
more than 20 hp (15 kW) must be entered in the National Boat Register. Detailed
instructions on registration are available from the Finnish Transport Safety Agency, Trafi
In order to register a motor-powered vessel, the user must be at least 15 years of age.
Boat insurance can compensate damage occurring on water or during transport and lifting.
Check who has insurance liability each time when having the boat lifted. Insurance also has
an indirect effect on safety at sea: In the event of a serious accident or damage, you must,
above all, concentrate on saving people. Insurance companies will be able to give more