The canvas or the fastening ropes must not touch the boat directly, because the
gelcoat surface is damaged if they chafe against it.
3.6.4 Measures before launching
Repair or have someone repair possible damaged spots in the gelcoat following the
instructions in chapter 3.7.
In sea areas the bottom of the hull must be painted with antifouling paint to prevent fouling by
seaweed. Fouling of the bottom and the propeller in particular will increase fuel consumption
considerably. However, if the boat is moored at the mouth of a river, in the lake district, or in
the gulf of Bothnia, or if it is hoisted out of the water at least once a week, no antifouling paint
is normally needed. Carefully follow the instructions of the paint manufacturer when applying
the paint. If you sand down old antifouling paint, remember that the dust or swarf is toxic.
Do not paint zinc anodes, log transducer or piston rods of the hydraulic
cylinders of tilt. Do not use paints containing copper for aluminium parts; follow
the manufacturer
s instructions.
Carry out the required engine service operations following separate manual. Check the
operation of the electrical accessories and remove oxide from fuses and couplings.
After the boat has been launched, open all bushing valves and check hoses and connectors
for leaks. The locations of bushings is shown in chapter 5. Bring the safety equipment on
board before setting off.
For warranty repairs, please follow the instructions in section 1.2. In cases where the engine
or some other accessory has been damaged, it is advised first to contact the supplier in
Minor damages in the gelcoat surface of the hull or deck can be repaired by yourself.
However, both skill and a lot of work is required for a neat result:
cover the surface around the repair area with tape
bevel the edges of denting by grinding and clean with acetone
mix gelcoat with1.5-2% hardener
apply gelcoat onto repair area leaving its surface slightly above that of the surrounding
carefully put tape onto repair area
after gelcoat has hardened, remove tape and sand the repaired surface if necessary
polish with abrasive compound
The colour shades used on this boat are shown in chapter 5. The gelcoat dealer can give you
more information about repairing.
The repair of bigger damages should be left to the manufacturer, or to a workshop authorised
by the manufacturer.