Always adjust your speed to the conditions and to the environment. Take into account the
waves (also consult the passengers about a comfortable speed)
your boat's wash (biggest when starting to plane, smallest when travelling at
displacement speed or at less than 5 kn)
visibility (islands, fog, rain, driving against the sun)
familiarity with the route ( time needed for navigation)
narrowness of the route (other traffic, noise and wash at shore)
When running at low speed, a planing boat's directional stability is worse than at higher speed.
So be careful in narrow passages and when meeting other boats.
The running position of the boat greatly affects the driving qualities and fuel consumption. The
boat's operational position may be achieved by:
proper placing of the load
adjusting the engine's trim angle
The combination of the right operational position with the right speed also make driving in
rough water more comfortable and safer.
Sudden steering movement at high speed may cause loss of control and great
heeling angles in a high sea.
3.3.1 Emergency switch
Fasten the emergency switch lanyard around your wrist immediately after having untied the
boat. Particularly when driving alone it is extremely important, that the boat stops should you
fall over board or stumble inside the boat. Remember to take it off before landing maneouvres.
The rotating propeller is a danger to anyone fallen over board or to a swimmer.
Use the emergency switch or stop the engine before a swimmer or a water skier
climbs on board from the water.
3.3.2 Adjusting of trim angle ( Power-trim)
The main rules in adjusting the engine's trim angle are the following:
when raising the boat to plane, keep at "bow down" position
when the boat is planing and the sea is not too rough, raise the bow until the boat
begins to porpoise or the propeller looses its bite. Then lower the bow slightly until
driving feels stable. You can optimize the rig angle with the help of log book.
In head sea, lower the stem down to obtain a smoother ride. In following waves, the
bow is raised to avoid submerging.
Also consult the engine manual.