In most cases, problems that
to be caused by equipment malfunction can be traced to human error — wrong settings,
improper connections, etc. Before blaming the equipment, refer to the list of problems and possible causes given below.
If a problem is persistent, try reducing your system to the bare essentials — i.e. disconnect all peripheral equipment, use headphones
instead of an amplifier to monitor the sound, set the simplest possible settings, etc. This way it is easier to isolate and cure elusive
PROBLEM 1, 2 & 3:
No Sound, Cannot Select
Performance Combinations, or
Key Hold does not Work
2. Is your tone generator set up properly?
If your tone generator or the selected voice is not set up to
respond to pitch bend data, no pitch bend will be produced.
These problems can generally be traced to faults in the set-
tings or connections of the tone generator you are using.
Refer to your tone generator's operation manual.
Sound Level too Low
Is the breath sensor properly adjusted?
Adjust the sensitivity of the WX11 to match your own breath
pressure (refer to page 7 of this operation manual for details).
Also check your tone generator's settings and connections.
No LFO (Vibrato) Control
1. Have you properly adjusted the lip sensor controls?
If the WT11's LFO control parameter is set to "lip" but the
WX11 lip sensor control has not been properly adjusted, it
may be impossible to produce LFO control.
2. Is your tone generator set to respond to LFO control?
In the case of the WT11, LFO control must be set to either
"brth" (breath) or "lip" for LFO control to be effective. If set
to "off," no LFO effect will be produced. Refer to the WT11
operation manual for details.
Sound will not Stop
No Pitch Variation
1. Have you properly adjusted the lip sensor controls?
If the controller's lip sensor control(s) have not been prop-
erly adjusted, it may be impossible to produce bitch bend.
Refer to the lip sensor adjustment instructions on page 8 of
this operation manual.
Is key hold on?
You may have accidentally pressed the key hold key while
playing, causing a note to be held continuously. Try pressing
the key hold switch a second time.
* Under very rare circumstances, elevated temperatures can
cause continuous sound by affecting operation of the breath
sensor. This can be remedied simply by pressing the setup
If you've checked all of the above possible causes but still have a problem, have the WX11 examined by
your YAMAHA dealer. Explain the problem as clearly as you can as well as the circumstances under which
the problem occurs (settings, other equipment used, etc). And don't forget your guarantee card!