(2) Attach the engine shut-off cord to your left
wrist, and then attach the clip to the en-
gine shut-off switch.
(3) Have the passengers move to the rear of
the watercraft.
(4) Have a passenger board and sit astride
the seat. If a second passenger is board-
ing, have him or her follow the same pro-
When a passenger is boarding, both the pas-
sengers and the operator should try to bal-
ance the watercraft.
(5) Check that the passengers have their
feet on the floor of the footwell and are
securely holding on to the person in front
of them or to the handgrip provided. Nev-
er allow a passenger to ride in front of the
(6) Start the engine, look in all directions, and
then accelerate to planing speed.
Before starting off, make sure that there
are no boats, swimmers, or obstacles
around you.
The heavier the total weight of the operator
and passengers, the more difficult it will be to
balance the watercraft. Do not operate the
watercraft when the total weight exceeds 240
kg (530 lb) including any cargo. If it is difficult
to balance the watercraft at a standstill, pro-
ceed as follows:
(1) While the passengers are steadying the
watercraft, pull yourself up onto the
boarding platform into a kneeling posi-
UF1K13E0.book Page 61 Wednesday, July 4, 2007 2:03 PM