Yamaha TF Series Manual Download Page 7





Distortion levels and their significance

The distortion levels of the TF1 were measured between the
analog input and analog output. The measuring conditions cor-
respond to realistic operating situations but there is one slight
disadvantage: It’s kind of hard to distinguish whether distor-
tions are caused at the in- or output. Measured were THD val-
ues, the distortion spectrum and the transient intermodulation
distortion, each for preamp gain levels of +60dB and 0 dB.
Measurements of the extreme preamp gains (–6 dB and 
+66 dB) were not taken because these settings do not reflect
normal operating conditions and are only required for very
special cases. The curves in figures 8 and 9 demonstrate the
proportional signal distortion (y-axis) as a function of input level
(x-axis). Both curves show the THD (red), the sum of all har-
monic distortions and the THD+N (blue), i.e. all signal shares
not deriving from the signal source including noise.

When you measure at low test signal levels, the share of noise
and distortion will, necessarily, be high. When you increase
the test signal levels, THD and THD+N will decrease more and
more up to the point, where the clipping threshold is reached.
The minimum of the curve is mostly close to or directly at the
clipping threshold. In figure 8, the clipping threshold for 0 dB
gain is reached at +25 dBu, a point with very low distortion
values of –90 dB (= 0.003 %). The distortion minimum is
reached at a marginally lower level of 10 dBu and also really
great –110 dB (= 0.0003 %). Reaching these good values is a

bit more difficult when the preamp is confronted with higher
gain settings, here + 60 dB. Still, the figures are, nevertheless,
quite good compared to measuring at 0 dB. You’ll find the cor-
responding curves in figure 9. 

In addition to the absolute distortion values their spectral struc-
ture is quite interesting. The desired harmonic distortion spec-
trum should, of course, have low distortion values but also the
lowest possible number of uneven (k


, k


, …) distortion shares

descending as quickly as possible towards higher order.

Ideal would be some k


, significantly less k


and, preferably,

nothing higher than that. The harmonic distortion spectra for
a sine wave at 1 kHz were measured at 0 and at +60 dB gain
(figures 10 and 11). The test signal level was always 10 dB
below the clipping threshold. Both spectra are quite close to
the ideal targeted values and should guarantee a great sound
quality of the preamp.

The third of the measurement series deals with transient in-
termodulation distortion, also known as TIM or DIM. The test
procedure is the same as in the THD measuring with only one
difference: the test signal is not a sinusoidal one but a mix of
sinus signal and rectangular pulse. This kind of test signal with
its steep rectangular pulse is far more challenging for the
tested circuit than the sinusoidal signal. That is why the DIM
test results are said to be more relevant for evaluating sound
qualities than just measuring THD. DIM values of –80 dB are

Preamp Gain 0 dB 

THD (red) und THD+N (blue), clipping threshold

is at +25 dBu input level (figure 8)

Gain set to +60 dB 

THD (red) and THD+N (blue), then clipping

threshold is at –35 dBu input level (figure 9)

Summary of Contents for TF Series

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Page 3: ...ack you will have to use a computer with suitable software connected via one of the host ports Coming soon Dante network and Stage Box Today s audio world is digital Streaming services music servers networked devices digital technology is everywhere The interfaces to acoustic signals i e converters though are still analog Microphones constitute one side of the signal chain speakers the other Micro...

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Page 5: ... mixing desk a preamp is of the same importance as in analog ones as its task is to get everything from weak microphone signals to high line levels deriving from keyboards or DI boxes to the same overall level The preamps in TF consoles offer a very wide gain range from 6 dB to 66 dB Zero dB then stands for the maximum volume of an analog signal with a 26 dBu level As the preamp is fully remote an...

Page 6: ...ate but at the maximum gain of 66 dB 86 dB can still be achieved Based on these figures the equivalent input noise will be 126 dBu The corresponding interference spectra figure 6 show a clean white noise Including the additional 20 dB gain the over all noise level is 65 respectively 41 dBu If you then subtract the 20 dB the corresponding values will be 85 and 61 dBu The maximum output voltage at the...

Page 7: ...y great 110 dB 0 0003 Reaching these good values is a bit more difficult when the preamp is confronted with higher gain settings here 60 dB Still the figures are nevertheless quite good compared to measuring at 0 dB You ll find the cor responding curves in figure 9 In addition to the absolute distortion values their spectral struc ture is quite interesting The desired harmonic distortion spec trum sh...

Page 8: ...e really good DIM curves for 0 and 60 dB preamp gain are shown in figures 12 and 13 The excel lent minimum of 85 dB in both cases was measured at ap proximately 10 dB below the maximum volume So again really outstanding results Signal processing and structure Digital equipment has the advantage that the order of the blocks of signal processing can be chosen quite flexibly The same goes for the taps ...

Page 9: ...s features an adjustable 20 Hz to 600 Hz high pass filter and a 4 band fully parametric EQ which can either all be defined as Bell filters or alterna tively one as high or one as low shelf filter The new user inter face for the filter section has turned out great You can enter all data directly using the physical encoders or just use the touch panel controls one or two finger mode Using one finger you ca...

Page 10: ...or reaction to a sine burst with time constants of 50 and 500 ms for attack and release The threshold level of 20 dB here refers to 0 dBfs in the dig ital domain The two FX buses and if required also the six Stereo Aux busses numbers 9 to 20 can be fed from all inputs All respec tive masters comprise four band fully parametric EQs and sev eral effects you will have varied reverb programs delays ch...

Page 11: ...mes louder and louder For inputs there is a preset Vocal filter with a 140 Hz high pass filter and a slight cut of the low mids and a boost of the higher frequencies In addition to the use of filters dynamic processing constitutes the most important function of a mixing desk Especially LIVE music often generates a large dynamic range meaning you would wish a certain compression would take place Also ...

Page 12: ...ers as well as remote apps for iPad and iPhone thus making them really convenient and very useful for technicians and musi cians Yamaha experts have also deliberated thoroughly about how to facilitate getting started for beginners That is why they have included ample libraries with predefined channel settings for all kinds of instruments and established microphone mod els GainFinder for the inputs ...
