Touring the RC-SREV1
RC-SREV1—Owner’s Manual
RC-SREV1 Display
This large 320 x 240 dot display, with fluorescent backlight and adjustable brightness
and contrast controls, displays the various program, parameter, and utility pages, sys-
tem status, and signal level meters. As well as showing parameter values numerically,
reverb and EQ parameters are displayed graphically, so you can see settings at a glance.
Page title
—This is the title of the currently selected page.
Program number & title
—This is the number and title of the current program. In
2-channel x2 mode, two numbers and titles are displayed, one for program A, the other
for program B. Program numbers appear only when programs are recalled or stored in
Quick memory. They do not appear when programs are loaded from a drive (i.e., Inter-
nal Card, PC Card, or CD-ROM).
Page tabs
—Pages are grouped as program, parameter main, parameter fine, and util-
ity, and these tabs show the titles of the pages available in each group.
Main page area
—The various program, parameter, and utility pages appear here.
Bypass status
—The status of the Bypass function appears here: ON (SREV1
bypassed) or OFF. See “Bypassing the SREV1” on page 40 of the SREV1 Owner’s Man-
ual for more information.
FS status
—The SREV1 sampling rate is displayed here—48 kHz or 44.1 kHz—and
whether or not it’s locked to the selected wordclock source—LOCK or UNLOCK.
Selected SREV1
—This is the SREV1 currently selected for control from the
Reverb mode
—This is the current Reverb mode: 2CH, 4CH, or 2CHX2.
Edit status
—The Edit status indicator shows whether or not the current reverb pro-
gram has been edited since is was recalled. If it has, the word “EDIT” appears (the letter
“E” appears in 2-channel x2 mode).
—In 2-channel mode, input and output meters for the left and right channels
are displayed here. In 4-channel mode, meters for the front-left, front-right, rear-left,
and rear-right channels are displayed. In 2-channel x2 mode, meters for the A-left,
A-right, B-left, and B-right channels are displayed. For the 4-channel and 2-channel x2
modes, you can choose to display input or output meters.
Reverb mode
Page title
Bypass status
Page tabs
Main page area
FS status
Edit status
Selected SREV1
Program number & title