Disconnect all USB devices from your computer other than the MOTIF, the computer
keyboard and mouse before installing the update.
Do not connect the MOTIF to a USB hub; connect it directly to a USB port on your
3. Quit all other applications and disable screen savers before installing the update.
4. Place the MOTIF in Voice mode.
5. Open the file “MOTIFUsb
.mid.” If you are using a Windows PC, you can use
Windows Media Player or the Logic demo on the bundled CD-ROM to open the file. If
you are using a Macintosh, you can open the file with the Cubase or Logic demo on the
bundled CD-ROM. When using Cubase, select “Import MIDI File” from the File
6. Set the output port of the data track to USB OUT 0-1 (Windows) or Port 1 (Macintosh).
Mac users: If you have changed the name of port 1, select the changed name.
Windows Media Player users: In the Multimedia tag in the Control panel, select USB
OUT 0-1 as the output driver.
7. Start the sequencer. (Let it play for about 7 seconds.) DO NOT stop the sequencer
while the data is being transmitted.
8. Stop the sequencer and power the MOTIF off and on. Restart the computer.
9. On the MOTIF, press the [UTILITY] button and then [INFORMATION].
The firmware version will be displayed on the right side of the LCD panel. If “USB
” is shown, the update is complete. If the displayed firmware version
is different than
, the update has not completed successfully. In such a case,
reinstall the update.
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