ZONE Templates
The Motif ES gives you 3 templates for setting up
ZONE configurations. To use these templates from
MASTER mode, you would press [JOB]/ [F1] INIT.
Uncheck the box that says ALL and highlight the
box that says ZONE. Press [YES] to check it. You
can select a SPLIT (2 Zones will be activated with
a default split point at C3), 4-ZONE (all four will
be activated) and LAYER (2 Zones will be
activated across the MIDI key range). Select a
template, set MIDI channels (for Split or Layer)
and press [ENTER]/ [YES] to execute.
Initializing with the 4-Zone routine will create a
Note Limit arrangement dividing the keyboard into
4 discreet Zones. You can, however, divide it in
any manner that you need including overlapping
In MASTER/ EDIT/ COMMON/ F2 Other you can
set up how the Knobs and Sliders behave per
Master setup. You can select between PAN, TONE,
ZONE. What this refers to is how the KNOB
setup is recalled. If you select PAN, for example,
the LED at the top of the Knob Control Function
will illuminate and you will have access to KN1 =
Pan, KN2 = Reverb Send, KN3 = Chorus Send,
KN4 = Tempo. If you select TONE then the four
knobs will be Cutoff, Resonance, Attack and
Release. If you select ASSIGN the knobs will be
Assign A, Assign B, Assign 1 and Assign 2
(recalling what they were programmed to do in
the original Voice or Performance that is
associated). If you select PART EQ the bottom LED
will illuminate and you will have access to the gain
control for the e-band PART EQ (KN 1, 2 and 4). If
MASTER EFFECT (MEF) is selected you will have
access to the pre-determined control functions. If
ARP FX is selected you will have control over the
Swing, Gate time, Velocity and Unit Multiply
parameters of the assigned Arpeggios. If your
MASTER is a “Zoned” setup you will probably want
to select ZONE (all LEDs go out).
This will make the settings you make per each
Zone, active. Use Track buttons [1]-[4] to view
individual Zone parameters. The default
assignment when you select ZONE is for PAN (10)
for the KNOBS and Volume (7) for the CONTROL
SLIDERS. KN1 is Pan for Zone 1, KN2 is Pan for
Zone 2, KN3 is Pan for Zone 3, and KN4 is Pan for
Zone 4. Each Slider 1-4 is the Volume for the
Zone 1-4. You can set the KNOBS per Zone to any
MIDI control change message between 1-95
(except 32), per MASTER setup. Likewise, the
Sliders can be programmed per MASTER setup,
per Zone to any control change number from 1-95
when “ZONE” is selected as the Control Function
There is a difference between the normal VOLUME
assignment of the Control Sliders and when the
ZONE assignment is set to control VOLUME. Let’s
assume a VOICE MEMORY is associated with a
MASTER, if the “VOLUME” LED is illuminated, the
SLIDERS assignment will be controlling the
internal Voice’s Element Volumes – as they do in
Voice mode. If you select ZONE as the assignment
(all the LEDs will go OUT), then the Sliders will be
controlling the Volume of the entire Voice
assigned to that ZONE.
You can always see an overview of your MASTER
setup by pressing the INFORMATION button while
in Master Play mode.
Press [Master]/ [F1] Play/ [INFORMATION].