Clients are used to retrieve music content
stored on, or streamed from the MusicCAST
server, providing instant wireless access to
music in any location within your home.
D i g i t a l A u d i o C l i e n t
D i g i t a l A u d i o S e r v e r
M U S I C M A N A G E M E N T & D I S T R I B U T I O N S Y S T E M
Easier, more convenient music management
for your entire family…
no matter how diverse their musical tastes.
Imagine the possibilities in your home …
In-wall mountable Clients add versatility to the MusicCAST system with convenient
features such as favorite buttons and IR pass-through support. The multi-purpose
in-wall amplifier is a perfect match for the in-wall controller, providing high quality
power to your speakers.
D i s t r i b u t e d A u d i o C o n t r o l l e r / A u d i o A m p l i f i e r
Personalized music enjoyment has never been easier
or more convenient. Now finding your favorite CDs or
accessing XM Satellite Radio, Internet Radio or even
your favorite FM stations is a breeze and at your
fingertips… With this advanced, versatile new music
server you now have total control over your family’s
entire music collection and more…