Setting sound field program parameters
Parameters usable in surround decoder
Dolby PLIIx Music and Dolby PLII Music only
Adjusts the soundscape of the front sound field. Sends front left/
right channels sounds to the surround speakers as well as the front
speakers for a wraparound effect.
Spreads the center channel sound to the front left and right
speakers to suit your needs or preferences. Set this parameter to 0
for outputting the center sound from the center speaker only, or to 7
for outputting it from the front left/right speaker only.
Adjusts the difference in level between the front sound field and
the surround sound field. You can adjust the difference in level
created by the software being played back to obtain the preferred
sound balance.
The surround sound gets stronger as you make the value more
negative, and the front sound gets stronger as you make the value
more positive.
When Neo:6 Music is selected
Adjusts the front left and right channel output relative to the center
channel to make the center channel more or less dominant as
Disables the effect.
Enables the effect.
Center Width
Adjustable range
0 to 7
Default setting
Adjustable range
-3 to STD to +3
Default setting
STD (Standard)
Adjustable range
0.0 to 1.0
Default setting