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Q. Is the warranty transferable to second own-
A. Yes. The remainder of the existing warranty
can be transfered upon request.
The unit has to be inspected and reregistered
by an authorized Yamaha generator dealer for
the policy to remain effective.
If your machine requires warranty service, you
must take it to any authorized Yamaha generator
dealer within the continental United States. Be
sure to bring your warranty registration identifica-
tion or other valid proof of the original date of pur-
chase. If a question or problem arises regarding
warranty, first contact the owner of the dealership.
Since all warranty matters are handled at the deal-
er level, this person is in the best position to help
you. If you are still not satisfied and require addi-
tional assistance, please write:
P.O. BOX 6555
Cypress, California 90630
The federal government requires each manufac-
turer to maintain a complete, up-to-date list of all
first purchasers against the possibility of a safety-
related defect and recall. This list is compiled from
the purchase registrations sent to Yamaha Motor
Corporation, U.S.A. by the selling dealer at the
time of your purchase. If you should move after
you have purchased your new generator, please
advise us of your new address by sending a post-
card listing your Yamaha model name, engine
number, dealer number (or dealer’s name) as it is
shown on your warranty identification, your name
and new mailing address. Mail to:
P.O. Box 6555
Cypress, California 90630
This will ensure that Yamaha Motor Corporation,
U.S.A. has an up-to-date registration record in
accordance with federal law.
Q. What costs are my responsibility during the
warranty period?
A. The customer’s responsibility includes all
costs of normal maintenance service, non-
warranty repairs, accident damages, as well
as oil and spark plugs.
Q. What are some examples of “abnormal” strain,
neglect, or abuse?
A. These terms are general and overlap each
other in areas. Specific examples include:
Running the machine out of oil; lack of proper
maintenance; operating the machine with a
broken or damaged part which causes anoth-
er part to fail; and so on. If you have any
specific questions on operation or mainte-
nance, please contact your dealer for advice.
Q. Does the warranty cover incidental costs such
as transportation due to a failure?
A. No. The warranty is limited to repair of the
machine itself.
Q. May I perform any or all of the recommended
maintenance shown in the Owner’s Manual
instead of having the dealer do them?
A. Yes, if you are a qualified mechanic and follow
the procedures specified in the Owner’s and
Service Manual. We do recommend, however,
that items requiring special tools or equipment
be done by a Yamaha generator dealer.
Q. Will the warranty be void or cancelled if I do
not operate or maintain my new Yamaha
exactly as specified in the Owner’s Manual?
A. No. The warranty on a new Yamaha cannot
be “voided” or “cancelled.”
However, if a particular failure is caused by
operation or maintenance other than as
shown in the Owner’s Manual, that failure
may not be covered under warranty.
Q. What responsibility does my dealer have
under this warranty?
A. Each Yamaha generator dealer is expected
1. Check the operation of the generator
before sale.
2. Explain the operation, maintenance, and
warranty requirements to your satisfaction
at the time of sale, and upon your request
at any later date.
In addition, each Yamaha generator dealer is
held responsible for his setup, service and
warranty repair work.
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