EAD10 Reference Manual (Advanced)
Sensitivity : Sensitivity
Sets sensitivity for when the pad is struck lightly.
1 to 13
RejectTime : Reject Time
Trigger signals that occur within the time set here are regarded as double triggers and will not produce any sound. Larger values
increase the amount of time that no sound is produced.
4ms to 500ms
MinLevel : Minimum Level
MaxLevel : Maximum Level
These parameters set the range of Trigger Input signals that convert to velocity values from minimum (%) to maximum (%). Trigger
signals that are below the minimum level set here will not produce any sound. Meanwhile, the Trigger signals above the maximum
level will be set as a Maximum Velocity, as explained in MinVelocity / MaxVelocity shown below.
Minimum level: 0 to 99
Maximum level: 1 to 100
MinVelocity : Minimum Velocity
MaxVelocity : Maximum Velocity
These parameters set the minimum and maximum velocities corresponding to the MinLevel / MaxLevel parameters above. Sound
will be produced between the velocities set here.
Minimum velocity: 0 to 126
Maximum velocity: 1 to 127
Using a value that is too low may result in no sound when struck too lightly or when playing a fast roll. Using a value that is too large
may result in crosstalk. If you must make an adjustment, try to do so in a way that does not hinder your performances.
In the following case, a sound is output with the second input even though it occurs within the reject time.
• When Trigger Level of the second strike within the RejectTime is at least twice as strong as that of the first.
Trigger/Pad Type 3/4