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Condensed Catalog
Yale's utility patented keyway cylinders are available by choosing Yale
. Yale
KeyMark cylinders include mortise, rim, key-in-lever, key-in-knob, auxiliary, and
interchangeable core. IC core is available in both large and small formats. All formats can be
tied into one master key system.
Yale's security/high-security cylinders contain two independent locking mechanisms.
The first is a traditional 6 or 7-pin tumbler mechanism with spool drivers for increased
picking resistance.
The second is a 5-tumbler rotating disc mechanism with sidebar engagement. The
rotating discs are spring loaded and block the bottom of the keyway. Only a specially cut key will move the
discs and allow entrance of the key. This key has a special side bitting and must align all five discs perfectly
before the cylinder plug will rotate to open the lock.
All Yale
locksets are available in a wide choice of cylinder and keying options:
Cylinder Types and Options:
Keying Options:
• Fixed Core (standard)
Keyed Different (KD)
• Large Format Interchangeable Core
Keyed Alike (KA)
• Conventional Keyways
Master-Keyed (MK)
• Patented Keyways
Grand Master-Keyed (GMK)
• Security Cylinders (Not UL437 Certified)
Great Grand Master-Keyed (GGMK)
• High Security Cylinders (UL437 Certified)
Construction Keying (CMK)
cyl in ders with in ter change able cores al low your mas ter key sys tems to be flex i ble. With the spe cial
“Con trol” key any cyl in der can have its core in ter changed quick ly. Any Yale core can be in ter changed into any
other Yale lock pro vid ed it has a in ter change able core. As a result, security for any given lock can be changed
in a matter of minutes. Yale interchangeable core cylinders can be used through out the en tire mas ter key
sys tem. They can be used se lec tive ly within the system along with Yale fixed core cyl in ders. There are two types
of interchangeable cores that are offered by Yale.
1. Large Format (LFIC) - These cores are available in both standard Yale
cylinders and also Yale
(see Patented Keyway) cylinders. Note
that standard Yale cylinders and Yale KeyMark cylinders cannot be keyed to
the same master key system.
2. Small Format (SFIC) - These cores are only available master-keyed in Yale KeyMark cylinders.